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Jack Waddle - Civics Education

A high school social studies teacher at Carmel Catholic High School in Mundelein, Illinois discusses civics education..

Toni Waggoner - Public School Funding

Illinois public school funding from 1979 to 2010.

Dr. Richard Wagner - Higher Education

Career of long-serving head of IL Board of Higher Education.

Dr. Richard "Dick" Wagner - Community College Project

Former IL Bd of Higher Education Executive Director on state's Community Colleges.

Robert Wahlfeldt - World War II

Engineer who served on the U.S.S. Waldron in the Pacific Theater

William 'Bill' Waldmire - Rochester

Retired state photographer talks about family history, his brother Bob and Route 66

Dan Walker - Governor Dan Walker Project

Maverick Democrat who served as IL Governor from 1973 to 1977

Claudia Wallace - Illinois Celebrities and Entertainers

Claudia Wallace serves as the Casting Director for The Second City’s Resident Stages and Touring Companies.

Francis Walle - World War II

Artillery lieutenant who saw action in northern Europe at the end of the war

Joseph "Jay" Walsh - Tumultuous 2020

VP for Economic Innovation and Development discusses U of IL COVID-19 testing

Genevra Walters - Alternatives in Education

Superintendent of Kankakee School District #111, discusses the implementation of the Competency Based Learning Model.

Joan Walters - Governor Jim Edgar Project

Jim Edgar's Budget Director, and Chief of Staff during his tenure as Secretary of State

Norman Walzer - School District Reorganization

Government affairs scholar discusses the challenges faced by rural school districts.

Bobbie Wanzo - Delta Sigma Theta

Charter member of Springfield Decatur Area Alumnae Chapter and retired administrator for the state of Illinois

Linden 'Lin' Warfel - Community College Project

History at Parkland College from 1991-2013 through the eyes of a trustee.

Ron Warfield - Public School Funding

Main coordinator for the CHIEF proposal discusses education funding.

Holly Warlick - Girls Basketball

Associate women’s head basketball coach at the University of Tennessee.

Carmelita Hogan Washington - Springfield African-American History Foundation

University human resources professional, sorority volunteer

J.D. Washington - Springfield African-American History Foundation

First African-American principal in Springfield Public Schools

Frank Watson - Obama in Illinois

Illinois Senate Minority Leader (Republican) from 2003-2008

Frank Watson - Legislators Project

Illinois Senate Minority Leader (Republican) from 2003-2008

Gary and Mike Watson - Baseball

Twin brothers have divided loyalties - one to the Cubs, the other to the Cardinals.

Robert Watson - Community College Project

College trustee discusses the history of Lewis and Clark Community College.

Scott Watson - School District Reorganization

Superintendent of the Bismarck-Henning and Rossville-Alvin Cooperative High School.

Harold Weaver - Rochester

World War II Army veteran and retired factory/state employee from Rochester

Dan Webb - Governor Jim Thompson Project

Memories of Thompson as U.S. Attorney and of 1982 election

Joyce Webb - ERA Fight in Illinois

One of founders of Carbondale Women's Center & supporter of ERA Amendment

Linda Weber - World War II

Employee at a drafting department that produced war planes during World War II

Clemmie Webster - Delta Sigma Theta

Charter member of Springfield Decatur Area Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority and retired educator from Springfield

Heather Oxley, Tisa Poe, Tom Tait, and Patrick Weeks - IHPA legacy

Four BRC Imagination Arts employees discuss their work on the ALP Museum exhibits

JoAnn Wehrle - Vietnam War

Wife of Roy Wehrle who accompanied him to Laos and Vietnam while he worked for the State Department

Roy Wehrle - Vietnam War

State Department official assigned to Laos and Vietnam from 1959 through 1968

Robert Weichert - IHPA legacy

IHPA Division Manager of Administrative Services

Karl Weingartner - Modern Era

In-depth discussion of processing soybeans for consumption and industrial use.

Adela Weinstein - Educational Reform Act 1985

Bilingual education in Illinois since the 1985 Educational Reform Act.

Kaitlin Weitekamp - Modern Era

A city girl parlays a turf business into State FFA Presidency.

Jerrod Welch - Tumultuous 2020

Adams County Health Department Administrator details the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

Samuel Weldon - World War II

U.S. Marine who fought at Iwo Jima in the 4th Marine Division

Robert "Bob" Wengel - Tumultuous 2020

Senior Vice President of Facilities and Security at the Shedd Aquarium describes the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

Charlotte West - Girls Basketball

Pioneer for women's sports (AIAW and NCAA) and basketball coach at Southern Illinois U.

Dr. Lyndon Wharton - Educational Reform Act 1985

1985 Educational Reform Act from the perspective of the IL Department of Education.

Sandy Wheeler - Family Memories

Executive Director of the State Farm Golf Classic for 27 years

Sandy Wheeler - World War II

Child of a U.S. Army soldier during World War II

Sandy Wheeler - General Interest-Sports

Executive Director of the State Farm Golf Classic for 27 years

Dr. Ben Whisenhunt - Community College Project

History professors discusses the history of the College of DuPage.

Charles Whitaker - Civics Education

Dean of Northwestern U.'s Medill School of Journalism discusses challenges for modern journalists

Ronald Whitaker - Community College Project

Early years of Joliet Junior College.

Duane White - School District Reorganization

A parent who opposed the school consolidation of several schools.

James Whitson - World War II

Torpedo man on board the USS Herndon in Europe

David Wiant - World War II

World War II Army veteran who served in the occupation force in the Philippines

Michael Wiant - Illinois State Museum

Caretaker interim director for closure of the IL State Museum

Michael Wiant - Historians Speak

Director of the Dickson Mounds Museum discusses his career as an archaeologist and anthropologist

Bob Wieneke - Modern Era

Discussion with a fifth generation orchardist.

Jerome Wiese - Vietnam War

Vietnam veteran who served as a combat medic with the infantry

Teresa Wilburn - Tumultuous 2020

Teresa Wilburn explains how Pandemic impacted Southern 7 Health Departments.

Lindsey Willhite - Tumultuous 2020

Public relations director for the Chicago Wolves American Hockey League Club discusses the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic

Frank Williams - Civil Rights Stories

A lifetime as an African-American realtor on the south side of Chicago

Hershel 'Woody' Williams - World War II

Marine Medal of Honor recipient earned at Iwo Jima

Jack Williams - World War II

A TBF Avenger gunner serving in Pacific theater on the USS Petrof Bay

Sincere Williams - Tumultuous 2020

COVID-19 high school senior discusses his perspective on 2020 and COVID-19

Craig Williams II - Tumultuous 2020

President of The Muni describes effects of COVID-19 pandemic on theater

Charles Wilson - Springfield African-American History Foundation

Bricklayer, musician, descendent of Springfield Race Riot victim

Jenrose Wilson - Springfield African-American History Foundation

Wife of Charles Wilson, worked in health care field

LaVon Wilson - Delta Sigma Theta

Charter member of Springfield Decatur Area Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority and music teacher in Springfield, IL

Travis Wilson - School District Reorganization

Arthur, IL Superintendent discusses the process of Reorganization.

Linnea Windel - Tumultuous 2020

President and CEO of VNA Health Care describes the impact of the pandemic

August Wisnosky - Architectural Gems

Field architect for Old State Capitol reconstruction in late 1960s

Paul Wisovaty - Vietnam War

Radio operator with the 9th Infantry Division during Vietnam War

Barry Witten - Civics Education

Western Illinois University professor provides information on civics education.

Randy Witter - Obama in Illinois

A lobbyist in the Illinois legislature recalls Obama's years in the IL Senate

Randy Witter - ERA Fight in Illinois

A lobbyist in the Illinois legislature remembers the ERA fight

Benjamin Wolf - Public School Funding

ACLU lawyer discusses Lewis v. Spagnolo, a case on school funding in East St. Louis.

Sara Wolforth - Civics Education

Illinois Civics Task Force members discusses new IL program.

Roycealee J. Wood - Educational Reform Act 1985

Regional Superintendent of Schools for Lake County discusses Educational Reform Act.

Jim Woodward - IHSA

Former board president for the Illinois High School Association.

Ralph Woolard - World War II

Served in an intelligence squad as part of the 36th Infantry Division in Europe

Martin Woulfe - People of Faith

Unitarian Universalist's spiritual journey to the ministry.

Bill Wright - IHSA

Career at Savannah Public Schools as teacher, coach, principal and superintendent.

Brandon Wright - School District Reorganization

Wright is a lawyer specializing in school reorganization issues.

Thomas Wright - Rochester

Long-time resident of Rochester reminisces about delivering ice

Betty Wrigley - Family Memories

A WW II Rosie the riveter, and post war wife and mother shares her life story.

Norm Wymbs - Ronald Reagan In Dixon

One of the founders of the Dixon Historic Center discusses his relationship with the Reagan family and the city of Dixon.

JungHwan Yang - Civics Education

Asst. Professor of Communications at UIUC discusses challenges to media literacy

Gerald Yaxley - World War II

Member of the 104th "Timberwolf" Division; served in European Theater

Iver Yeager - World War II

Naval officer who served on the USS Dyson (destroyer) in Pacific

Eldon Yetter - Korean War

Service with a Marine Graves Registration unit during Korean War.

Mary Yokem - Rochester

Stories of Rochester from the perspective of an African-American resident

Dr. Marcia Young - IHPA legacy

Long serving site manager of David Davis mansion reflects on her career

Kent Young - School District Reorganization

Superintendent of Nauvoo-Colusa school district discusses reorganization

Marcia Young - Looking for Lincoln

Former Looking for Lincoln Board member discusses the LFL project.

Marcia Young - Architectural Gems

Site Manager Marcia Young gives a tour of Bloomington's David Davis mansion

Marlon Young - Tumultuous 2020

Pastor of Morning Glory Community Church details the congregation's experience during the COVID-19 pandemic

Julie Yurko - Tumultuous 2020

President and CEO of Northern Illinois Food Bank describes the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

Walter Zaida - Community College Project

Teacher and administrator on the history of Joliet Community College.

Ken Zehnder - Governor Jim Edgar Project

Eighteen years of service with Sec. of State, then Gov. Jim Edgar

Benedict Zemaitis - Immigrant Stories

Lithuanian immigrant describes life as a refugee in wartime Germany.

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