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Elizabeth Beth Purvis - Public School Funding

Beth Purvis discusses her work as Secretary of Education under Governor Bruce Rauner while government officials worked on a new public school funding model from 2014-2017. She explained the impact that public school funding had during difficult budget negotiations, the importance of the Legislative Commission on School Funding (2016-2017), and the various educational funding bills which eventually led to House Bill 1947. That legislation resulted in the creation of the Evidence Based Public School Funding model and its accountability component. Beth also discussed the definition of adequacy, the best ways to distribute state funds, and topics such as hold harmless, local capacity target, charter funding, intra-district equity, mandate relief, private school tax credits, third party contracting, and transparency. Also discussed was the debate on Chicago public school pensions and the Chicago Public School Block grant.

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Hold Harmless and the Robin Hood Syndrome


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