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Father Ronald Margherio - Alternatives in Education

Father Ronald Margherio discusses his 54 year involvement with St. Bede Academy (Grades 9-12) located between Peru and Spring Valley, Illinois. Father Ronald has been a student, Novice, teacher, superintendent, development director, and now the chaplain at the Academy. He discusses the Academy’s history, including its transition from an all-boys school to a coed school, and its beginnings as a boarding school into a day academy, and now an academy with a small boarding presence for international students. Serving up to 300 students, the school campus encompasses 100 acres, including a working farm, a chapel, a new science wing, and the school's main building dating from 1890. Father Margherio also discussed the school's Benedictine philosophy and reviews its curriculum.

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Advantages of Being a Private Religious Academy


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