Lincoln Quotes

There are currently 559 quotes in our database.
Date Quote Topics Share
03/04/1864 The U.S. government must not undertake to run the churches. Topics: Law, Religion
03/07/1864 My wish is that all who are for emancipation in any form, shall co-operate, all treating all respectfully, and all adopting and acting upon the major opinion, when fairly ascertained. Topics: Slavery, Politics
03/10/1864 Under the authority of an act of Congress to revive the grade of lieutenant-general in the United States Army, approved February 29, 1864, Lieutenant-General Ulysses S. Grant, U.S. Army, is assigned to the command of the armies of the United States. Topics: Civil War
03/12/1864 Do your best to get out the largest vote possible; and, of course, as much of it as possible on the right side. Topics: Politics
03/13/1864 They [black voters] would probably help, in some trying time to come, to keep the jewel of liberty within the family of freedom. Topics: Freedom, Slavery, Politics
03/18/1864 In using the strong hand, as now compelled to do, the government has a difficult duty to perform. At the very best, it will by turns do both too little and too much.’’ Topics: Leadership
03/18/1864 While we must, by all available means, prevent the overthrow of the government, we should avoid planting and cultivating too many thorns in the bosom of society. Topics: Leadership
03/18/1864 We should avoid planting and cultivating too many thorns in the bosom of society. Topics: Leadership
03/18/1864 If all that has been said by orators and poets since the creation of the world in praise of women were applied to the women of America , it would not do them justice for their conduct during this war. Topics: Inspirational, America
03/21/1864 Property is the fruit of labor – property is desirable – is a positive good in the world. Topics: Inspirational, Economy

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