The Whispering Gallery


MAN 1:
What's that man doing as our country burns? He jokes! This disgusting fool is just like Nero or any of those other tyrants.

MAN 2:
The man's worse than Caesar himself!

If you ask me, Mrs. Lincoln has brought shame upon the President's House because she is so selfish! She spends money on herself but is cheap with the help.

I hear she haggled over the salary of the tutor hired to teach Willie and Tad but spent thousands on wallpaper!

MAN 3:
Lincoln is the weakest man ever elected.
MAN 4:
He's vain, weak, sterile, hypocritical, utterly without manners.

MAN 3:
He's beneath contempt.

MAN 1:
Lincoln's brought to the Presidency a heart reeking with malice and lips blistered with lies.

Did you hear his Inaugural Address? What ignorant stupidity! What insolence! What brutality!

MAN 4:
His speeches are filled with lies, evasions and pathetic attempts at humor.

MAN 1:
Lincoln's speeches are nothing but condensed lumps of imbecility ...
MAN 2:

MAN 3:
Vulgar malignity! (LAUGHTER)

MAN 2:
Heard what Dictator Lincoln's done now? Seized all the arms, public and private in New York City! The last vestige of American liberty, gone, gone, gone.

And Mrs. Lincoln!

She's so dumpy!

And have you seen her in those low-necked dresses?

And those hats! It's like a flowerpot she wears on top of her head! (LAUGHTER)

Lincoln's efforts to dodge responsibility are dishonest, cowardly, and reprehensible.

MAN 1:
Abraham Lincoln is putting forth all the powers of Government to crush out the spirit of American liberty ....

MAN 2:
His astonishing incompetence has no equal in the history of any people.

MAN 1:
The truth is that Lincoln is not acquainted with the commonest civilities of everyday life.

MAN 3:
Lincoln is so ugly! Thin, bony arms, long, scraggly neck ...

MAN 4:
A head like a coconut covered with rough, uncombed hair ...

MAN 3:
A furrowed, wrinkled face, bushy eyebrows ...

MAN 4:
And a nose and ears that somebody took by mistake from a head twice the size! (LAUGHTER)

Lincoln's record is an ever-thickening file of revolting incompetence.

MAN 1:
Mr. Lincoln will go down in history as the man who plunged his country into a great war without a plan, who failed without excuse, and who fell without a friend.

MAN 1:
You pity Lincoln till he opens his mouth. Then hate becomes the dominant emotion.

MAN 2:
Lincoln, he's the craftiest and most dishonest politician who ever disgraced an office in America.

MAN 2:
Mr. Lincoln is indecent, insensitive, and blasphemous.

One of her servants called Mrs. Lincoln 'downright cranky, bordering on ornery.’

MAN 1:
I hear Mr. Lincoln's own staff refer to Mrs. Lincoln as 'Her Satanic Majesty.'

MAN 3:
He's inadequate, naive, and unqualified.

MAN 4:
He's a dictator!

His crimes against the free people of the South, including cold-blooded and deliberate murder, have no precedent in the annals of the world.

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