The opportunity to "run where Lincoln walked" helps one ALPLM employee reconnect with the 16th president. Here are the resources to help you do the same.
Title IX was a transformative piece of legislature. Hear those who witnessed the change discuss how it affected them.
A look at obituaries of the past from the presidential library's huge newspaper collection
At a time when many used the Bible to justify slavery, Abraham Lincoln showed the hypocrisy of that argument.
Some people make service a lifelong commitment. Brother Boniface Shellock is one of them.
The Land of Lincoln was also a land of bitter divisions during the Civil War.
Abraham Lincoln asks himself if slavery and democracy can co-exist.
As Black History Month ends and Women's History Month begins, a Black woman shares powerful memories of life in the segregated South and her military service.
For an area as important as the Midwest, it is still vaguely defined.
Sometimes a book must be torn apart before it can be put back together.