Restoring old war posters can be a gratifying and eye-opening experience.
Tom Jones endured incredible dangers as a corpsman in the Vietnam War. Coming home was a struggle, but he persevered and became a public servant, community leader and writer.
Part of Abraham Lincoln's legacy is the Homestead Act, which changed the face of the American West for good and bad.
Illinois Midland Railroad produced calendars featuring Lincoln and later donated the original art to the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum.
Looking back at a notorious episode in Illinois history -- the Haymarket "Riot"
When John Wilkes Booth assassinated Abraham Lincoln, the government spared no expenses in his manhunt.
Museums rarely have all the artifacts they need for an exhibit. Loans between museums help fill these gaps.
Before there were highways and railroads, river travel dominated trade and transportation.
Although women were unable to vote in 1840, they were still politically active.
Abraham Lincoln took a personal interest in a request for help from the widow of a famous captain in the War of 1812, showing the power of memory and legend on the busy president.