After losing his Senate race, Abraham Lincoln pubished the record of his debates with Stephen Douglas, a strategy that helped him win the presidency.
'Complete Darkness': Looking back at the loss of Mary Lincoln and her beloved Tad
Claims that Lincoln was left off Southern ballots in 1860 don't account for the way elections were conducted back then.
The murder of Abraham Lincoln was met with anger and tears.
At the urging of a magazine "editress," Abraham Lincoln called for a day of thanksgiving on the last Thursday of November. It was a major step in making Thanksgiving the tradition we know today.
A Lincoln historian puts the spotlight on the meaning and power of the overly familiar words of the Gettysburg Address.
As the nation was falling apart, Abraham Lincoln grappled with what to say after being sworn in as the new president
Examination of Lincoln portrait reveals the artist's true name and many layers of symbolism.
One book leads an ALPLM staffer on a journey of discovery.
Lincoln is known as a master politician and legendary president. However, in his younger years, he was willing to get into fights, one of which almost led to a duel.