Out of State Newspapers


Volunteer: Ap 23, 1864
Camp Illuminator: F 28, 1865
Journal: S 9, 1887
Fort McClellan
Cycle: Je 23, 1944
Nepenthes: Je 20, 1840
Advertiser & Register: N 15, 1862; F 6, 1864
Army Argus and Crisis: Mr 25, 1865
Tribune: (d) Mr 28, 1865
Mail: (d) My 1-2, 12, 1865
Memphis Appeal: N 3, 1864
Chattanooga Rebel: N 21, 23, 1864
Federal Union: My 13, 1865

Tundra Times: Ap 16, My 7, 1980
Alaska Empire: Mr 31, 1940; F 8, 1959
Inside Passage: Summer 1980

Arizona Sun: 1 issue (n.d.) 1959
Arizona Republic: (d) Je 1-10, 1961

Southern Shield: Mr 28, Jl 31, S 18, 1840; My 21, 1841; Ja 9, 1847; Ap 28, 1849; Ja 5, Mr 2-9, Ap 6, My 4-11, 25, Je 29-JI 6, Ag 3, 17-24, S 21, O 12, N 16, 30, D 14, 1850; Ja 25, F 8, 22, Mr 8, 22, My 1, 17, Je 28, JI 26, S 27, 1851; Ja 24, F 21, Mr 13, Ap 3, My 15-29, S 18-O 2, 1852; F 26, Mr 19, Je 18, JI 9, 30, Ag 13, S 17, N 12, 1853; Ja 21, F 11, Mr 18, S 30, N 11, 1854; Ja 6, My 26, Je 23, Jl 7, Ag 25, O 20, D 29, 1855; F 23, O 25, D 20, 1856; Ja 17-24, Je 27, 1857; Mr 13, Ap 3, Ag 28, O 2-9, 1858; Ja 28-F 4, 1860; F 8, 1862; Je 11, JI 30, Ag 20, 1870
Traveler: My 9, 1862
Van Buren
Press: *JI 1859-Ja 6, 20-Mr 2, 16-Je, JI 13-D 21, 1860; Ja-Ag 14, 28-D 5, 1861; Ja 2-9, 23, 1862

Grass Valley
Union: Ag 8, 1869
Los Angeles
Examiner: (d) Ja 3, 1955
Herald & Express: (d) Ap 4, 1933
Times: O 14, 1894
Stanislaus County News: N 19, 1875
Citrograph: F 28-Mr 7, 1891
Union: Ap 12, 26, Ag 2, 1876
San Diego
Sun: My 4, 1931
Union: My 3, 1931
San Francisco
Abend Post (G): Ap 17, 1865
Alta California: (d) [1858-F, My 1859-1867]
American Flag: Ap 22, 1865
Argonaut: S 4, 1893
Bulletin: D 20, 1860
California Spirit of the Times & Underwriters' Journal: Mr 23, 1872
Call: (d) F 7, 12-13, 1909
Enterprise & Cooperator: My 25, 1872
Examiner: F 19, 1933
Flag's Evening Dispatch [d ed. of American Flag]: Ap 16, 1865
Golden Era: Ap 16, 1865
Occident: N 24, 1886
Railway Employees' Union Journal: Ag 14, 1902; Je 11-S 1903; =Voice of Labor (CHICAGO)
San Jose
Mercury: Je 28, 1888

Record Stockman: D 16, 1943
Road: S 2, 1893
Rocky Mountain News: (d) S 1, 1927
Herald: N 18, 1882
South Arkansas Miner: N 13, 1880

Connecticut Western News: Jl 9, 1884; D 26, 1895
Connecticut Observer: Ja 18, F 1-15, Mr 8, 22-My 3, 17-31, Jl 5, 1825
Courant: D 29, 1812; Ap 20, 1839; Mr 11, 1861; N 28, 1863; D 3, 1864; O 29, 1939; O 11, 18, 25, N 1, 1964
Press: O 16, 1860
New London
Gazette and Advertiser: JI 14, 1841 (part)
Republican Advocate: F 14, 1821-Ja 9, 23-F 6, 1822
Bulletin: Ap 15, 1865

Camp Tennally
Pennsylvania Thirteenth: Ja 18, 1862
Afro-American: D 31, 1938
Battery: *JI-N 2X, 16, 1848; Ja 25, 1849
Chronicle: (w) Ap 22-My 6, 1865; My 25, 1867; =Forney's Sunday Chronicle, Mr 19, Ap 30-My 7, 1876
(d) Chronicle, Ap 15-18, 1865; Mr 3, Ap 14, 1866; Ap 13, 1867; D 23, 1875
Church News: Jl 29, 1899
Congressional Globe: D 5, 1854; =Congressional Record, Ap 10, 1877; F 27, 1880; D 7, 1881; Ja 26, 1882
Copp's Land Owner: (m) S 1876
Critic: S 20, 1881; Je 30, 1882
Democrat: (m) My 1946
Fellowship Forum: S 1, 1928
Forney's Sunday Chronicle: see Chronicle
Gazette: Ap 27, N 16, 1879
Globe: (sw) [1841-Ap 24, 1845]
(d) Mr 5, 11, 1858; D 24, 1859; Ja 30, 1860; D 19, 1866; F 6, 1872; F 7, 1873
Herald: Ag 28, 1915
Madisonian: Ja 18, 1840; Mr 12, 1844
National Era: (w) *Ja 7, 1847-Mr 22, 1860
National Intelligencer (w) My 2, 1867
(d) Jl 2, 1835; Ja 10, 1839; Ap 2, Je 25, 1840; Mr 4, 1841; Mr 28, O 1, 1846; Ja 13, 1855; Jl 31, 1857-Mr 16, 1868
National Republic: (m) JI 1933
National Republican: (d) Ja 10, 1862; Ap 15, 20, My 4, 1865; S 20, 1881
National Tribune: Ap 12-19, My 10, 1888; Je 12, 1902; My 10, 1906; Ja 26, 1911; D 30, 1926
National View: Ja 22, F 5, 1881
New National Era: New Era, *Ja 13-S 1, 1870X; =New National Era, *S 8, 1870-Ap 10, 1873X; =New National Era and Citizen, *Ap 17, 1873-F 1874; =New National Era, [Mr 19-O 22, 1874]
News: (d) N 25, 1963
Official Bulletin: [D 10, 1917-D 9, 1918]
Pathfinder: Ja 22, 1916
People's Weekly (Baltimore & Washington): see BALTIMORE, MD.
Post: (d) Je 10, 1883; S 20-21, 1892; S 9, N 11, 1898; F 12, 1909; N 25-26, 1963
Reporter: Ja 22, F 5, 22, 26, Mr 5, 12, 19, 26, Ap 2, 9, 23, 30, My 7, 14, 21, 28, Je 11, 25, 1866
Republic: Je 25, 1852
Star: (d) Ag 3, 1857-My 19, 1868; Je 9, 1883; S 20, 1892; F 12, 1909; N 25, 1963
Union: (w) [D 26, 1846-N 1847]
(tw-sw) [My 5, 1845-F 15, 1848; O 9, 1849-Mr 5, S 3,
(d) Je 21, 1850; F 11, 1852
United States Telegraph Extra: *Mr-N 1, 1828X; Ja 24, 1829
Woman's Tribune: N 25, 1893

American Eagle: (m) My 1965-F, O, 1982; Ja-Ag 1983; O 1984; Je, N 1985; Je, O 1986; Ap, O 1987; Ap 1988
St. Augustine
Examiner: F 22, 1888
Fly Leaf (MacDill Field): JI 10, 1943
Times: (d) Ja 27, S 8, D 6, 1943; Ap 10, 1944
Tribune: (d) Ja 27, 29, S 3, 1943; Ja 12, 1944

Patriot: (w) [N 1856-Ja 16, 1862; Ja 21, 1864-1865X]; (=sw) [*Ja-My 16, 1866X]; (=w) [*My 19-D 1866]
Southern Banner: My 3, 1865
Southern Watchman: [O 1858-1867]
Constitution: S 20, 1895
Gate-City Guardian: see Southern Confederacy
Memphis Appeal: [Je 1863-JI 4, 1864]
People's Party Paper: Ag 12, S 9, 23-O 7, D 23, 1892; S 14, 1894; N 27, 1896
Soldier's Friend: My 12, 1864
Southern Confederacy: Gate-City Guardian, (w) *F 12-Mr 2, 1861X; =Southern Confederacy (d), [*Mr 4, 1861-My 24], N 24, D 3, 1863; Ja 27, 29-F 3, 16, Mr 10-11, 15-16, 18-25, 27, 30-31, Ap 2-6, 8, 19, 23, 29-My 1, Je 9, 15-21, 29, Jl 5-6, 1864
Chronicle & Sentinel: (w) Je 8, 1864; Ap 12, 1865
(d) [JI 1858-1866]
Constitutionalist: (tw) Ag 10, 1862
(d) [JI 1858-1859; JI 1860-1867]
Enquirer: (tw) [O 20, 1857-S 21, 1858X]; (=d) [*S 24-D 24, 1858; Mr 25, 1859-S 26, 1860; 1861-D 24, 1862; Ag 27, 1863-1864; Ja-O 1866; Mr-D 1867]
Sun: S-O 1, 1865X; =Sun & Times, [*O 3, 1865-O 14, 1866; Mr-S 1, 1867]
Armored Force News: [S 13-20, N 22, 1943-S 11, 1944]
Fort Valley
Leader-Tribune: S 7, 1939
Meriwether Vindicator: Ap 24, 1891
Chattanooga Rebel: (d) [Je 9-S 17, 1864]
Columbia Sentinel: Je 20, Jl 111, 25, Ag 29, D 12, 1919; Ja 2, 1920
Southern Confederacy: (d) S 18, D 14-15, 1864; Ja 20, 22-24, 26-27, F 3, 5-8, 1865
Chattanooga Rebel: (d) F 23, Mr 18, 22-23, 26-27, Ap 1, 21-22, 1864
Confederate Union: Federal Union, Je 1856-Ja 22, 1861X; =Southern Federal Union, *Ja 29, 1861-S 16, 1862X; =Confederate Union, *S 23, 1862-My 16, 1865X; =Federal Union, *JI 11, 1865-S 1869
Southern Recorder: [O 1855-N 15X, *D 20, 1864-Je 1868]
Courier: [Ja 17, 1860-Ap 1864]; D 30, 1865-N 1, 1866; D 1868-JI 1869
Herald: (d) [1865-Mr 1866]; =News & Herald
News: (tw) JI 2, 1866
(d) [JI 1857-Je 1860; 1861-Je 1862; 1863]; =News & Herald, [*Ap 1866-1867]
Press: (d) F 1969
Republican: Ja 19, 1865

Advertiser: (d) F 15, 1932; Ap 13, 16 (part), 1945; Je 23, 1959
Star-Bulletin: (d) D 8, 12, 1941; Ap 13-14, 1945

Weekly: Jl 28, 1898
Ledger: D 5, 1901
Banner: Jl 7, 1876
News-Banner: S 15, 1937; Je 30, 1976
Argus News: (d) O 16, 1889
Arrandesser: JI 21, 1889
Central Normal News: (m) JI 1882; JI 1885
Central Normal Post: (m) Mr-Ap 1887; S-O 1888; Mr-Je 1889
Central Normal College Quarterly: Je 1910
Hendricks County Republican: My 9, 30, 1889; =Republican, JI 14, 1927
Teacher & Examiner: (m) Ja 1889
Journal: (d) F 21, 1888
Sunday Courier and Press: My 14, 1961
Monitor: D 11, 1930; Ja 8-22, F 5, 1931
Tribune: Ap 26, 1888
Visitor: Our Sunday Visitor, Ag 3, 24, 1919;D 15, 1935; F 7, 1943-N 28, 1976X; =Visitor, *D 5, 1976-Ja 30, 1977
Charger: Je 24, 1966
Glocke (G): Ja 6, 1887
Indiana Statesman: Ap 16, 1851
Journal: (d) [S 16, 1857-1865]; S 3, 1868; Jl 24, 1872; F 9, Je 27, S 16, 1886; Ag 22, 1889
Live Stock Journal: (d) S 17, 20, N 15, 1889; Ja 20, Ag 9, 1890; Ja 8, 1892; N 24, 1893; Ap 19, 1897; My 11, 1904; Jl 28, 1906; Je 25, 1907
News: Ap 1, 1887; S 14, D 15, 1888; Ag 22, 1889
Sentinel: State Sentinel, Mr 17, 1862; My 8, 1863; =Sentinel, Jl 24, 1872; D 18, 1876; Ag 9, 1885; O 5, 1900
Times: Mr 26, 1882
Minerva (G): Ag 29, 1860
Political Beacon: O 13, 1838-O 5, 1839
Western Statesman: Ja 4, 1833
Colored Visitor: Ag 1, 1879
Dollar Courier: D 31, 1856
Michigan City
Gazette: S 27, 1837
New Albany
Truth Teller: F 21, 1890
New Harmony
Gazette: *O 1825-O 22, 1828X
Times: D 26, 1930; Jl 27, 1934
Palladium: Ja 8, 1831; Ja 1, 1931
Terre Haute
Express: F 27, D 18, 1900; Ap 21, 1901
Gazette: O 6, 1900
Review: Ja 31, 1940
Tribune: F 16, 19, 26, Mr 1, 1901
Gazette: N 12, 1835; O 27, 1853
Indiana Gazette: Ag 7, 1804; F 15, 1806
Western Sun: S 13, 1817; =Western Sun & General Advertiser, My 12, N 3, 1827; [F 11-O 1832; Ja-Jl 5, 1834; F 21, 1835-1839; Ja 13, 1844-Ag 9, 1845]
West Lebanon
Fair Edition: *S 11, 1875X
New Party Forum: (m) F 1955?

Boone County Advocate: My 30, 1872
Hawk-Eye: (w) Hawk-Eye & Telegraph, [JI 1855-JI 1, 1857X]; =Hawk-Eye, [*JI 8, 1857-Ja 1865]; 1874
(d) Hawk-Eye, Ap 17, 1865; Ag 14, 1880
Iowa State Gazette: (tw) Ag 5, 1854
Cedar Rapids
Republican: F 7, 1909
Council Bluffs
Nonpareil: Je 23, 1892
Democrat: Iowa State Democrat, (d) [Ag 25, 1857-O 1858; Ja-O 9, 1859X]; =Democrat & News, [*O 11, 1859-Ap 19, 1864X]; =Democrat, [*Ap 20, 1864-Je 20, 1868]; O 4-15, 1955
Gazette: Ja 12, 1870
Upper Mississippian (Rock Island & Davenport): see ROCK ISLAND, IL
Des Moines
Woman's Standard: Ja 1894
Herald: (w) Democratic Herald, My 3, 1865; F 21, 1866
(sw) Herald, My 20, 1861
(d) Herald, [1860-N 13, 1862X]; =Democratic Herald, [*N 14, 1862-Mr 20, 1866X]; =Herald, [*Mr 21, 1866-Ja 18, 1868]
Pocahontas Times: My 24, 1888
Farmers Advocate: D 28, 1893
Constitution: JI 16, 1879
Gate City: (d) My 28-N 19, 1857; [Mr 1858-1867]; Ag 28, 1868; N 11-12, 1918
True Latter Day Saints' Herald: (sm) *N 1881-1882X;(=w)*1883-S 1884
Political Beacon: O 13, 1838-O 5, 1839
Delaware County Union: F 6, 1868
Index: JI 26, 1883
Journal: Jl 10-17, 31, 1975
Clover Patch: (m) *S 1894

E. W. Howe's Monthly: Mr 1925
Telescope & Freeman: Je 19, 1913
Conway Springs
Star: Ja-S 3, 1892
Emporial Gazette: Ja 29, 1944
Fort Larned
Plains: *N 25, 1865
Fort Scott
Monitor: JI 31, 1887
Garden Plain
Herald: My 10, 1888
Great Bend
Christian Educator and God's Defender: S 1904
Kansas Herald of Freedom: O 21, 1854; Ja-F, Mr 31, Ap 28, My 12, 26-Je, JI 14, Ag 11-O, D 15, 1855; Ja 12-19, Mr 15-22, Ap, N 29, D 13-20, 1856; Ap 18, O 3-10, 1857
Independent: F 19, 1870
Record: N 29, 1889
Capital: (d) Mr 13, 17, 1900
Beacon: (d) Je 6, 1944 (part)
Herald: N 18-25, 1880; Ja 26, 1882

Federal Scout: *Mr 11, 1862
War Eagle: Mr 11, 25, Je 13-27, Jl 11, Ag 1, O 17, N 7-14, D 12, 26, 1863; Ap 2, 1864
Commonwealth: (d) My 23, 1899
Review: S 27, 1901
Commonwealth: (tw) Ag 3, 1857
Spirit of Seventy-Six: O 4, 1827
Free Press: Ap 10, My-D 20, 1860; Ja 10-F 16, 1861
Soldiers' Letter of the 96th Illinois Volunteer Infantry: *N 28, 1862
Herald: S 6, 1937
Advertiser: (d) Ap 1-16, 1842X; =Public Advertiser, *Ap 18, 20-26, 28-29, My 2-19, 21-Je 20, 23-30, 1842X
Baptist Banner: [*D 1836-1838]; =Baptist Banner and Western Pioneer, [F 14, 1839-1847X]; =Baptist Banner, *1848-My 1851X; =Western Recorder, *Je 1851-Ag 18, 1857X; =Western Recorder, Baptist Banner and Pioneer, *Ag 26, 1857-1858
Courier-Journal: Journal, My 13, 1840; =Courier-Journal, O 20, 1869
Democrat: (d) F 15, 1863
Old-Path Guide: O 13, N 3, 17-D 1, 15, 1882; F 9-16, Mr 23, Ap 13-20, Je 8, 1883
Public Advertiser: see Advertiser
Republican: N 3, 1898
Times: O 19, 1901
Union Volunteer: JI 10, 1863
Eagle: JI 3, 1852
Flag: (d) [*D 9, 1848-Mr 10, 1849]
Kentucky Flag: (d) [*D 1851-1852]
Kentucky Register: My 9, 1884
Baptist Banner: Mr 21, S 19, O 3, [O 17, 1835-N 1836X]

Louisiana Democrat: JI 13, 1859-Ap 1860; Je 14, 1865-Je 1868
Baton Rouge
Gazette & Comet: [D 27, 1856-1859; Mr 1860-My 17, 1862X; *Ag 29, 1863-Je 17, 1865; Ja 27, 1866-Je 1868]; S 28, 1872; Mr 22, 1873
Junior Register: O 23, 1862
New Iberia
Unconditional S. Grant: *O 24, 1863
New Orleans
Bee (L’Abeille de la Nouvelle-Orleans) (F-E): (d) [1858-1867]
Commercial Bulletin: (d) [1858-JI 1862X); O 8, 1866-1867
Era: My 5, 7, JI 14, 16, 1863
Picayune: (w) Weekly Picayune, Ag 20, 1891; S 8, N 3, 1892
(d) Daily Picayune, [D 15, 1857-My 25, 1864X; *JI 9, 1864-1867]
Republican: Ap 22, 1876
Republican Liberator: Ja 4-11, 1908
Times: Mr 7, D 23, 1865; Ja 2, 1866
Tropic: Ag 10, 1844
True Delta: My 9, 1865
Courrier des Opelousas (F): Ap 11, 1863
Gazette: N 12, 1845

Times: (d) Ap 15, 17, 1865
Whig & Courier: (d) My 27, 1869
Bar Harbor
Times: Mr 30, 1961
Bugle (Bowdoin College): (m) N 1863
Christian Intelligencer & Eastern Chronicle: Je 22, JI 13, S 21, 1832
Pleasure Boat: F 7, 1846; JI 24, 1847; Mr 4, 1848; Mr 29, 1849
Press: Ap 17, 1865

American & Commercial Advertiser: (d) O 4, N 12, 18, 1864; Mr 15, 18, 21, Ap 4-5, 22, My 10, 24; Jl 1, 1865
Clipper: JI 7, 1863; Ap 19, 1865
Commercial: Ap 8, 1876
Maryland Journal & the Baltimore Advertiser: Ag 20, 1773
People’s Weekly (Baltimore & Washington, D.C.): My 2, 1868
Republican: O 13, 1862
Sun: (d) N 14, 1857-My 18, 1868; D 4, 1875
Herald-Mail: Ag 27, 1962
Point Lookout
Hammond Gazette: N 17, 1862-Je 15, 29-S 7, 1864
Modern Times & Home Journal: (sw) [My 27, 1846-F 6, 1847]; =Times& Journal, [F 17-My 22, 1847)

Advent Herald (Boston & New York): F 3, 1847
Advertiser: (d) Ap 15, 17, 19-21, 24, 26, 1865; N 3, 1875; My 1, 1876
American Traveller My 11, Je 15, JI 27, O 26-N 2, 1850; D 18-25, 1851
Ballou’s Pictorial Drawing-Room Companion: JI 14-21, Ag 18, S 29, O 20, N 17, D 8, 1855; Ja 12-26, F 23, Mr 8, Ap 5, 19, My 10, 24-Je 14, 28, 1856
Banner of Light: Ag 24, 1872
Bunker Hill Centennial: *Je 17, 1875X
Campaign Post: Ag 4, 1860
Christian Era: Mr 6, 1873
Christian Register: Ap 28, My 19, 1866; (Boston & Chicago) JI 27-Ag 24, 1872; (Boston) Ja 22, 1876; S 1, 1877; N 23, 1878
Christian Science Monitor: N 6, 1926
Christian Watchman & Reflector: Christian Watchman, Je 29, 1827; =Christian Watchman & Reflector, Ap 20, 1865
Commonwealth: Je 7, 1854; My 19, 1866
Dayspring: (m) Mr 1843
Emancipator: Emancipator & Free American, *Ja 13, 1842-Mr 21, 1844X; =Emancipator & Weekly Chronicle, *Mr 27, 1844-O 8, 1845X; =Emancipator, *O15, 1845-S 13, 1848X; =Emancipator & Free Soil Press, *S 20-N 8, 1848X; =Emancipator & Republican, *N 17, 1848-1850X
Flag of Our Union: Ag 18, 1855; 1856 (1 issue, n.d.); N 21, 1863
Gazette: (d) JI 15, 1865
Gazette & Country Journal: Mr 12, 1770
Globe: (d) Ja 15-17, Ag 14, 1874
Herald: Ap 15, 1865; Ap 4, 1892
Home Circle: Je 29, 1872
Investigator: Ag 5, 1840; O 31, 1860; Je 7, 1871
Journal: (w) JI 10, 1852; Ja 24, 1867
(d) Mr 27, Je 3, N 7, 1860; Ja 24, JI 13, 1863
Journal of Commerce: F 15, 1873
Liberator: [*1831-1865X]
Massachusetts Centinel: O 29, 1788; Mr 4, 1789
Massachusetts Spy: O 17, 1771; Ja 23, 1772
Messenger: F 1, 1843
New-England Journal: Ap 8, 1728
New England Puritan: N 18, D 30, 1842; Ja 20-F 3, 17-Mr 3, Je 2, S 22-29, O 27, N 10, 1843
News-Letter: *Ap 24, 1704
Pilot: Ap 22, 1865
Pine and Palm: Ag 7, 1862
Post: (d) *N 9, 1831-N 9, 1832
Rough Roll: *My 21, 1943
Standard: Ap 22, 1865
Temperance Cause: (m) O 1687
Times: Je 3, 1846
Turner-Zeitung (G): Ap 17, 1886
Universalist: Je 24, 1865
Waverley Magazine: Je 20, 1885
Woman's Journal, Woman's Journal & Woman's Advocate: see CHICAGO, IL
Yankee Blade: Mr 26, 1892
Youth's Companion: Je 5, 1833; My 16, 1861; Je 15, JI 27, 1871; Je 26, 1873; Mr 11, N 18, 1875
New-England Chronicle: or, the Essex Gazette: Ja 18, 1776
Freeman: Mr 31, 1843
Great Barrington
Berkshire Courier: My 10, 1876
Journal & South Shore Advertiser: My 8, 1874
Eagle: Mr 26, 1886
Valley Gleaner & Berkshire Farmers' Advocate: Ap 20, JI 6, 1876
Berkshire County Eagle: (w) N 4, 1875; Ap 18, 1889; =Eagle, (d) O 31, 1931
Sun: JI 14, 1864
Word: (m) D "Y.L. 15" 1887
Essex Gazette: Ap 18-25, 1775 (facsimiles)
Current Events: Mr 8, 1912
Republican: JI-D 1869; Mr 4, 1875; Mr 5, 1883; D 25, 1903-Ja 8, 1904; Je 23, 1905; Je 19, 1908; D 22, 1913; Je 26, 1928; Je 14, 1929; N 7, 1931
American Whig: D 31, 1845
Cataract & Waterfall, or Massachusetts Washing¬tonian: F 28, 1844
Massachusetts Spy, or, American Oracle of Liberty: My 3, 1775 (facsimile)

Illustrated Trade Journal: (m) O 1879
Ann Arbor
Signal of Liberty: Mr 27, 1843
University Chronicle: Mr 16-Ap, My 25-Je 22, 1867
Bay City
Courrier Franco-Americain: see CHICAGO, IL
Benton Harbor
News-Palladium: My 9, 1938
AFL Auto Worker: (m) *F 1943; F 1944; Ja 1945; My, [S 1946-Ag 1954]
Advertiser & Tribune: Ap 16, 1865
Free Press: Ap 15, 1865; F 3-10, Mr 3-17, Ap 14-28, My 26, Je 9-23, Jl 14, 28-Ag 11, 25-S 15, 29-N 3, D 1, 22, 1877; S 22, 1881
Index & Railroad Guide: Ag 17, 1867
Jewish American: S 4, N 27, 1903; Ap 19, N 22, D 6, 1907; Ja 10-24, 1908
Michigan Essay; or, the Impart Observer: *Ag 31, 1809 (reprint)
News-Tribune: (d) D 16, 1912
Robotnik Polski (P): *Je 13-27, JI 11, 1926-1927
Saturday Night: Je 15, 1935
Western Rural: see CHICAGO, IL
Journal: N 11, 1918
Independent: Je 10, 1886
State Journal: (d) Ap 28, 1955
Literary Reporter: (m) S 1876
Re-Union: (m) O 1887

Gazette-Telegram: N 15, 1922
Courrier Franco-Amercain: see CHICAGO, IL
Freidenker (G): My 14-Ag 6, 1916; N 18, 1917
Gazette: (q) Fall 1892
Tribune: Ja 1, 1888; Ja 1, 1891; Je 11, 1892
Norwegian American: N 19, 1909
St. Paul
Canadien (F): Ja 18-Mr 8, 22-Ag 2, 16, 1901-O 17, 31-D 1902; Ap 10-Je 5, 19, 1903X; =Petit Journal de Chicago (CHICAGO, IL)
Financial, Real Estate & Railroad Advertiser: Ja 24, 1857
Pioneer & Democrat: Je 4, 1861
Pioneer Press: JI 12, 1890
Independent: N 17, 1855-S 17, 1856X; =Valley Herald, *S 24-N 12, 26, 1856-Ap 22, My, Je 10-O 7, 21-N 18, 1857
Deutsche Sonntagspost (G): JI 16, 1939
Staats-Herold (G): see Staats-Herold (CHICAGO)

Sun: (d) Ja 1-15, 1981
Memphis Appeal: [*Je 9-N 29, 1862X]
Memphis Appeal: [*D 13, 1862-My 11, 1863X]
Courier: [D 9, 1857-D 14, 1859]; Ap 18, 1865; S 14, 1867-F 8, 1868
Southern States: S 10, 1879 (facsimile)
Hinds County Gazette: Ap 19, My 17, Je, JI 12-26, S 27-O 11, N 8, 22, D 6-20, 1854; Ja 10, 31-Mr 21, Ap 4-18, My 2-9, 23-Je 20, JI 11, 25-Ag, S 12, N 7, 1855-JI 29, S-D 1857; Ja 13-20, F-Mr 24, Ap 14-21, Je 2, 16, Ag 25, O 13, N 3, D 8, 1858; Mr 2, 16, Ap 13, Je 8, 22, Ag 24, O 19, N 16, D 28, 1859; Ja 25, F 8, 29-Mr 7, 21, JI 18-Ag 1, 22, S 5, 26, N 7, 21, 1860; Ja-F 5, Je 18-25, JI 9-S, O 8-22, 1862; O 7-14, 28-N 4, 18, 1865-My 4, 18-N 2, 16-D 14, 28, 1866; Ja 11-18, F 1, 15-22, Mr 8-22, Ap 26-My 10, 31-JI 12, Ag 9, O 25-N 8, 29-D 13, 1867; Ja 3, 17-24, F 7-14, 28, Mr 13-20, Ap 10, My 15, Je 5-12, JI 10-31, 1868
Citizen: (d) Je 20, 25, JI 2, 24, 1863
Herald: (w) S 18, N 6-13, 1864; =Herald & Mississippian, O 12, 26, 1867
(d) Je 15, 25, JI 30, Ag 20, O 14, 28, N 5, 9, D 6, 8, 20, 24, 1864; Ja 5, 7, 14, F 1, 6, 23, 25, Mr 10, 21, 23, 25-26, Ap 12, 18, 20, 29-30, My 4, 6, 17, Je 3-4, 16, 23-25, 27, 29-30, JI 2-7, 11-20, 22, 25, 29, Ag 3, 5, 9, 13, 16, S 15, 21, 1865; Ap 27, 1876; O 27, 1906
Whig: (w) Ja 21, 1863
(d) My 15, JI 1, 11, [D 30, 1862-My 5, 1863]

Mineral Springs Chronicle: JI 21, 1882
Menace:Je 7-14, Jl 5, 26, Ag 2-16, 30-S 6, O 11, D 13, 1919
Courier: [*My 31, 1856-My 18, 1861X]
Herald: Ap 30, 1891; F 13, 1913
Pilot: Je 18, S 17, O 1, 1859
Sentinel: Ja 26, 1866
Boone County Journal: D 8, 1870
Southwester: S 21, 1857
Courier-Post & Journal: Mr 6, 1935
School-Girls' Casket: Je 26, 1856
Normal Picket: *D 24, 1861; F 12, 1862
Van-Guard: *Ja 20, 1862
Jefferson City
Jefferson Examiner: Ag 29, S 19, 1857
Jefferson Inquirer: D 26, 1857
Jerico Springs
Optic: My 3, 1889
Kansas City
Drovers Telegram: F 17, 1899; Ja 1, 1940
Journal of Commerce: Ap 18, 1865
Star: Ja 23, 1890
Times: Mr 22-My 17, 31, 1883
Democratic Banner: My 28, 1849
Messenger of Peace: (sm) Je 15, 1901
First Division Proclamation: D 13, 1861; F 1, 1862
War Eagle & Camp Journal of the Army of the West: Ja 11, 1862
Courier: F 7, 1862
Christian Worker & Park College Record: O 25, 1883
Platte City
Platte Argus: F 26, 1847
Camp Sweeny Spy: *JI 4, 1861
Our Regiment: *JI 22, 1861
St. Charles
Advertiser: Ja 1, 1846
Missouri Patriot: JI 15, 1847
St. Louis
American: Ja 6, Mr 14, 1846
American Tribune: Mr 8, 1883
Amerika (G): (d) Ja 10, 1894
Anzeiger des Westens (G): (w) D 28, 1839-O 18, 1845; [Mr 1846-Ja 1863]; =Neuer Anzeiger des Westens, [*JI 28, 1863-JI 15, 1869]
(E) JI 16, O 16, 1853
(d) D 11, 1847; My 13, 1848
Central Christian Advocate: D 4, 1861; N 29, 1865; N 7, 1866; D 17, 1873
Chronicle: Ag 29, 1885; Je 26, 1898
Cimeter: Ja 3-10, 31, F 14-21, Mr 6, 20-Ap 3, 17-24, My 8-15, 1884X; =Cimeter-New Age, *My 22-29, Je 19, 1884; =Cimeter, D 25, 1884; Ja 22, F 5, 1885
Colman’s Rural World: D 21, 1882; [1894-1895]; S 5, 1906
Democrat: see Missouri Democrat
Der Freiheitsbote fur Illinois (G): My 6-O 28, 1840
Dispatch: (d) My 2, 1865
Dollar Weekly and People's Organ: S 12, 1846
Educator (Chicago & St. Louis): see CHICAGO, IL
Gazette: Je 17, S 16, 1843; D 13-20, 1845; Ja 13, 1846
Globe-Democrat: (w) Je 30, D 15, 29, 1876; Ja 25-F 2, 1877; D 4, 25, 1879; Ja 22, Mr 4, Je 3, N 18, 1880; Ap 26, My 10-17, 31, 1883; O 23, 1890; Ap 20, 1893; O 2, 1894; Ja 14, 1896
(d) Globe, Ag 10, 22, S 20, N 9, 1872; O 1, D 25, 1873; Ag 22, S 14, 16, 1874; F 25, 1875; =Globe-Democrat, Je 16, Ag 27, 1875; JI 25, 27, Ag 18, S 30, 1876; Ag 11, S 18, D 4, 24, 1877; S 21, O 23, N 11, D 6, 9, 12, 14, 20, 25-27, 30, 1878; Ja 14, 18, 22, 25, F 7, 12-15, 1879; Je 27, 1886; F 21, S 26, 29, O 5, 18, 23-24, 1888; D 7, 1889; Mr 8, S 20, 1890; My 6, 1891; Ap 8, 1893; Ja 15-19, 1897; Mr 21, JI 3, 5, Ag 20, D 6, 1898; [N 16, 1899-1934]; N 6, 1940; Ag 31, 1941 (supplement only); Ja 27, 1943; Ap 13, Ag 15, 1945; N 3, 1948; F 29-Mr 1, 1964
Herald and Era: N 5, D 24, 1859; F 25, Mr 31-Ap 14, 28, My 12, 26, Je 10, 23, Jl 7, 1860
Intelligencer: F 15, Ap 29, Ag 12, D 30, 1853; F 10-24, Ap 7, My 5, Je 9, JI 28, Ag 11, N 3, 17, 1854; Ja 19, F 9-16, Mr 2, 16, Ag 17, 1855; F 29, Ap 4, Je 20, 1856; Mr 20, Ap 10, 1857
Journal: (w) F 20, 1873
(d) S 30, 1873
Journal of Agriculture (I): (sm) My 15-Je 15, Ag 15-S 1, 1919
Journal of Agriculture (ll): Ja-Ap 12, 26-O 18, N 1894-Ap 18, My-Ag 8, 22-D 1895
Liberia Advocate: (m) Ap-My 1846; O 1847(part)
Live Stock Reporter: see Livestock Reporter (EAST ST. LOUIS, IL)
Louisiana Gazette: see Missouri Republican
Missouri & Illinois Temperance Herald, Missouri & Illinois Temperance Herald & Washingtonian: see ALTON, IL
Missouri Argus: (d) JI 4, 9-11, 13-18, 22-23, 25, 27, 30-Ag 9, 1839
Missouri Democrat: (w) D 11, 1860; F 18, Mr 11-Ap 1, 1862; N 22, D 20, 1864; Ja 3, 1865; Ja 1, 1866
(tw) Ja 13, 17, 29-31, Mr 14-17, 24, 31, 1862; Je 29, 1863; Ja 5, 1866
(d) [JI 1861-My 20, Je 16-D 1862]; F 20, JI 10, 1863; JI 16, O 21, N 2, 1864; Ja 5, 1866; S 18, 1867; Mr 23, 1869; Mr 28, O 11, 1871; Ag 20, 30, O 16, 21, N 15, 1872; =Democrat, Ja 6, My 21, Ag 11, 20, S 23, O 27-28, D 31, 1874; Ja 1, F 27, Mr 6, 12, 17, Ap 14, 22, 1875; =Globe-Democrat
Missouri Gazette, Missouri Gazette & Illinois Advertiser, Missouri Gazette & Public Advertiser: see Missouri Republican
Missouri Republican: (w) Missouri Gazette, [JI 26, 1808-N 23, 1809X]; =Louisiana Gazette, [*N 30, 1809-JI 11, 1812X]; =Missouri Gazette, *JI 18, 1812-F 19, 1814X; =Missouri Gazette & Illinois Advertiser, [*F 26, 1814-JI 3, 1818X]; =Missouri Gazette & Public Advertiser, *JI 10-S 18, 1818; [Ja-D 12, 1821]; =Missouri Republican, O 30, 1846; S 7-14, 28, O 12, 1860; D 15, 1863; Ap 14, 1865; Ja 20, 1870
(tw) Ja 23, 1849; D 23, 1851; Mr 18, 1852; D 20, 27, 1862; [My 26, 1865-O 15, 1866]
(d) My 24-Je 13, 1852; My 30, 1859; JI 8, 31-Ag 1, 1861; [JI 6, 1862-Ja 1866]; Ag 4, O 11, 1871; JI 31, O 31, N 22, 26, 28, 1872; My 14, 1874; My 11, 1877; Mr 1, N 27, D 13, 1878; N 22, 1879; Ja 15, S 17, 21, 24, 1881; Je 27, 1886; =Republic, O 23, 1888; Jl 7, 1896; Mr 4, 1897; Je 18, 21, 27-28, 1900; JI 12, 1908; JI 10, 1910; Ap 22, 1914
National Live Stock Reporter: see Livestock Reporter (EAST ST. LOUIS, IL)
Neuer Anzeiger des Westens: see Anzeiger des Westens
New Era: (d) Ag 15, 1849
News: *N 27-D 9, 1978
Nouvelle Revue Icarienne (F): (sm) [*Ja 1, 1857-O 15, 1859X]
Observer: [1834; S 1835-JI 21X], Ag 10, 1836
Organ: F 12, 1848
People's Journal (Chicago & St. Louis): see CHICAGO, IL
People’s Organ: (d) Je 16, 1846; Je 29, JI 13, 1848
Picket Guard (St. Louis & East St. Louis): Ap 25, 1899
Post-Dispatch: Post, (d) My 13, 1869; =Post¬ Dispatch, F 21, 1888; D 13, 1903; D 20, 1914; Ja 30, 1925; S 4, 1939; D 8, 1941; Ap 13, Ag 15, 1945; Ap 6, 30, 1947; N 3, 1948; F 13, 1949; 1953-F 29, 1984
Presbyterian: My 29, 1851
Press: *N 30, 1978-Ja 12, 1979
Producers News: F 17, 1943
Protestant Monitor (Greenville, IL & St. Louis): see GREENVILLE, IL
Republic (I): see Missouri Republican
Republic (II): Ap 29, 1906 (part)
Republican: Mr 1, 1875
Reveille: (d) JI 11, 13, 15, 1848
Salon (G) [Sun. ed. of Anzeiger des Westens]: N 8, 1857
Star: (d) Je 17, 1927
Times (I): (d) O 30, 1878; Ja 23, 1912; Ap 22-23, Ag 3, 29, 31, 1914; Ag 11, 1915; Ap 3, 1917; Je 17, 1927
Times (II): *N 27, 1978-Ja 8, 1979
Union: My 18, 1849
Western Plowman & South & West (Moline, IL & St. Louis): see MOLINE, IL
Western Watchman: Je 23, 1859; N 8, 1860
Westliche Post (G): Je 3, 1894
Woman's Journal & Woman's Advocate (Boston, Chicago & St. Louis): see CHICAGO, IL
Advertiser: JI 6, 1858; Ag 30, 1859
Equal Rights Gazette: Ag 25, S 8, 1860; F 7, My 16, 1861
Mirror: Je 12, JI 31, 1858; My 25, 1861
Missouri Tribune: Ja 16, Je 12, 1858
Republican: My 11, 1889
Illinois Fifty-second: *Ja 15, 1862
First Division Proclamation: *D 4, 1861
Standard: Ap 25, 1872
Southwest Democrat: F 18, Mr 4, My 13, JI 8, 1858; S 1, 1859

American Labor Union Journal: (w) N 27, 1902-JI 5, 1904X; (=m) *Ag-D 1904X; =Voice of Labor (CHICAGO, IL)

Fillmore Chronicle: My 29, 1903
Commoner: (w) D 13, 1901; Ja 10, Ap 18, 1902; N 13, 1908; D 27, 1912; (=m) N 1916
Nebraska State Journal: N 3, 1881
Western Resources: (m) Ap 1887
Central Farmer: O 30, 1902
Den Danska Pioneer (D): (w) [O 17, 1895-Ag 20, 1896]; O 6-20, N 2, 1898-Ja 24, Mr 3, 1910-D 13, 1956X; (=bw) *D 27, 1956-JI 10, 1958X

Virginia City
Independent: O 31, 1874

Independent Democrat: Ap 20, 1865
Dollar Mirror: S 24, D 3-10, 1864

Belle Mead
Belle-Media: (m) Ap 1944; Ap 1945
East Orange
American Citizen: Mr 15, Je 21, 1919
Jersey City
American Cottage Home: Ag 20, 1892
American Fireside & Farm: Je 5, 1890
Sussex True Democrat: My 13, 1864
Packet: D 28, 1944
True American: S 30, 1862

Journal: Ap 22, 1907

Argus: D 7, 1844; Ja 8, 1856
Country Gentleman: N 12, 1863; Ja 21, F 11, Ap 7, 21, My 12, 26-Je 2, O 13, N 10, D 15, 29, 1864; Ja 5-19, F 9, My 18-25, Je 29-JI 6, 20, Ag 17, S 21, O 5, 1865; D 6, 1900
Cultivator: (m) Je 1846
Cultivator and Country Gentleman: Ja 4, 1866
Journal: (d) Ap 10, 17, 20-21, 1865
Law Journal: Ag 12, 1871; Ap 26-My 3, Je 21, Ag 2, 16, S 20, N 15-D 6, 20-27, 1873; Ja 10, F 14, Ap 4-18, My 2-9, Jl 11-Ag 1, 29, S 19, O 31-D 1874
Log Cabin (New York & Albany): see NEW YORK, NY
Republican Crisis: (sw) Ja 6, 19, 26, Je 30, O 23, 1807
Northern Christian Advocate: F 1, D 26, 1860; F 13, Mr 6, Ag 7, 1861; Je 10, 24, Jl 15, 22, S 2, N 4, 1863; Ag 30, S 13, O 18, N 1, D 27, 1865
Commercial Advertiser: Ap 12, 30, JI 26, 1836; Ap 15, 1865
Express: (d) Ap 17-18, 1865; Ag 22, 1897
Patriot & Journal: Je 16, 30, 1852
Ontario Messenger: Ja 8, My 21, 1834
Assembly Herald: (m) Je 1886
Practical Farm Journal: (m) Ap 1881
Delaware Express: JI 21, 1847
Delaware Gazette: N 25, 1846; N 6, 1850
Advertiser: My 31, S 4, 1880
Telegram: N 14, 1880
Mill Boy: Jl 30, 1844
Loyal Citizen: Ap 21, 1865
Review & Community Review: F 11, 1932
Ulster County Gazette: Ja 4, 1800
Ulster Rail Splitter: Ag 9, 1860
Little Falls
Mohawk Courier: My 23, 1844; Mr 20, 1856
Republican: N 25, 1898
New York
Advent Herald (Boston & New York): see BOSTON, MA
Agents Guide: (m) Je 1890
Alarm (Chicago & New York): see CHICAGO, IL
Albion: Ap 22, 1865
Aldine Press: (m) D 1870
American: My 11, 1832
American Agriculturist: (m) N 1863; Je 1864; F 1865
American Baptist: Ap 25, 1865
American Sentry: My 13, 1882
Anglo-African: *JI 23, 1859-JI 14, 1860
Army & Navy Journal: O 3, 1863; S 17, 1898
Bee-Keepers' Journal & National Agriculturist: (m) Ap 1870
Brother Jonathan: JI 4, 1850; Je 12, 1852; JI 4, 1853; D 1853; Ja 14, 1854; Jl 4, 1856
Bulletin & General Advertiser: JI 15, 1846
Call: [1941; 1945]
Campaign Democrat: My 22, 1856
Caucasian: N 15-22, 1862; =Day-Book-Caucasian
Christian Advocate and Journal: F 6, 1862
Christian Inquier: O 25-N 1, 1862
City Record: My 1, 1874
Comic Holiday Pictorial: (m?) D 1864
Commercial Advertiser: O 10, 1846; Ja 9, 1861; Ap 24, 27, 1865
Cottage and Farm: (m) Je 1885
Courier & Enquirer: D 22, 1832; Ag 24, 1833
Critic: Mr 14, 1885
Day-Book: N 15, 1856; =Day-Book-Caucasian, A2 JI 30, 1864; JI 8, 22-O 14, 28, 1865-O 13, 27-N 3, 17, 1866-S 21, O 5, 19, 1867
Emancipator: (w) My 18-Je, JI 13-O, N 30, 1833-Ja 4, 1834X; =Emancipator & Journal of Public Morals, *Ja 14, 1834-Je 1835X; =Emancipator, (m) *Ag 1835-Ap 1836X; (=w) *Ap 23, 1836-D 2, 1841X; =Emancipator & Free American, *D 10, 1841-Ja 7, 1842X
Examiner & Chronicle: Ap 27, My 4, 1865
Examiner, New-York Recorder & New-York Baptist Register: 1861-Ja 2, 16-D 1862
Express: N 30, D 14, 1860
Family Story Paper: Ja 3, 1903
Fireside Companion: D 8, 1900
Frnk Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper: 1858-1865; F 12, 26, 1876; Ap 24, 1880; Je 14, Jl 19, 1884; JI 3, 1886
Frank Leslie's Lady's Journal: D 22, 1877
Frank Leslie's War Maps & Companion to the Newspaper: 1 issue (1862?)
Free Enquirer: *0 29, 1828-Je 1835X?
Freie Arbeiter Stimme (Y): Ap 14, 1893
Gazette of the United States: O 7, 1789
Good Literature: N 13, 1880-Ja 15, 1881
Graphic: N 21, 1878; My 22, Je 11, 1879; Mr 23, Je 4, 1880; Ja 22, 1881
Harper's Weekly: 1858-1865; Je 8, 1872
Herald (I): (sw) Je 3, 24, Ag 12, 23-30, S 23, 30-O 7, 18, 25-28, D 16,30, 1815; [Ja-S 21, 1816; Ja-N 15, 1817]; (=w) O 23, 1841; =Post, (sw) Ap 25, 1865
Herald (II): (d) JI 9, 1844; Je 16, 1856; N 7, 1857; 1858-1865; My 2, 1873; Ap 19, My 20, 1875; Je 1, 1876; N 29, 1878; Ja 12, 1879; Je 15, 1883; My 17, 1896; N 8, 1918; D 21, 1929
Hlas Lidu (Cz): (d) O 18, 1893
Human Rights: (m) D 1837
Independent: *D 1848-1849; [1851]; O 14, 1852; [Ja-Mr 24], JI-S, N 10, 1853; N 1854; [Ja 11-Mr, JI-S 1855]; O 9, 1856; [O-D 1858; O 1859-O 1, D 1868-Ap], Jl, [N 18, 1869-Ja 1870]; D 11, 1884; Ap 4, 1895
Iron Platform: (m) Ja 1864
John Swinton’s Paper: My 17, 1885
Journal-American: (d) N 25, 1963
Journal of Commerce: Ap 21, 1865
Journal of Commerce, Jr.: (d) [D 1, 1855-Ja, Ag 27-D 1856]
Journal, or, the General Advertiser: Je 29, 1775 (facsimile)
Ledger: Ja 17, 1863; Je 23, 1866
Life Illustrated: Ag 13, 1859
Living Church (Chicago & New York): see CHICAGO, IL
Log Cabin (New York & Albany): Ag 29, 1840
Mercury: Ag 16, 1863
Metropolitan Record: [Mr 26, 1859-My 1864X]; =Metropolitan Record & New-York Vindicator, [*Je-D 1864]
Mirror (I): Jl 1833-JI 5, 19, O 11, 1834
Mirror (II): (d) Ap 16, 1945
Musical World: Ap 15, 1862
National Police Gazette: Ap 22, 1865
New World: Mr 14, 1840
The New-York Evangelist: Ja 11, N 14-28, D 12-19, 1844; 1845-Je 17, Jl-Ag, S 9, 1847 - Je 15, 29 - Ag 10, 1848; 1849 - Ap 1850X; The New-York Evangelist and New-York Presbyterian: *My 1850 - Ja, F 13 -D 1851; =The New-York Evangelist: My 15 -Jl, Ag 14 - S 4, 18, 1856 - D 10, 1857; O 7, 1875
New-Yorker: D 29, 1838; F 7, 1846
New Yorker Echo (G): Je 13, 1908
News: (d) Ap 16, 1945
Northern Magazine: (m) Mr 1865
Ny Tid (S): [*Ap 1931-JI 16, 1936X]
Observer: Ag 17, S 7, 1854; D 20, 1855; Mr 13, JI 17, 1856; Je 11, JI 30, S 24, O 15, 1857; F 26, 1863; F 11, 1864; F 23, Ap 27, N 16, 1865; N 15, 1866; S 28, 1876; Ag 16, O 11, N 15, 1877; Ja 17-24, N 28, 1878; My 1, 15-Je 12, 1879; N 24, 1881; O 26, N 23-30, D 21-28, 1882; Ja 4, F 1, Mr 1, 1883
Packet & the American Advertiser: Mr 21, 1776
Penny Weekly Dispatch: Ja 31, 1852
Phunny Phellow: (m) Je 1865
Playgoer & Theatrical Recorder: Ja 7, 1858
Pomeroy's Democrat: F 6, Mr 13, 27, JI 3, Ag 7-14, S 18, 1875
Post (I): N 7, 1783
Post (II): see Herald (I)
Protection & Reciprocity: (m) *JI-O 1892X
Review: Ap 15, 1865
Rivington's New York Gazetteer, Connecticut, Hudson's River, New-Jersey& Quebec Weekly Advertiser: My 25, 1775 (facsimile)
Robotnik Polski (P): Ja 2-23, F 6-20, Mr-Ag 1919
Soldier's Friend: (m) F-S, N 1865; F, Ap, Je-Jl, S 1866
Spectator (New York & Chicago): Jl 25, 1869
Spirit of the Fair: (d) Ap 5, 7, 9-23, 1864
Statesman: (sw) [S 9, 1823-1824]
Sun: (w) My 29, 1847; N 13, 1878
(d) *S 3, 1833 (reprint?); Ap 20, 1865; Mr 26, 1878; Je 12, 1883
Tailor: (m) *O 1887-Ja 1896X
Telegram: Ag 14, 1877
Times: (w) S 22-O 13, N 10-D 29, 1855; F 27, My 29, Je 19, 1858; Je 18, 1859; Ja 20, 1969
(sw) JI 27, 1855
(d) Ja 10, 1852; D 1-15, 17-24, 26, 1855-Ja 3, 5-8, 11-18, 22-31, 1856; 1858-1865; S 22, 1881; Je 27, 1886; F 9, 1913 (part); Je 26, 1928; F 11, 1934 (part); N 25, 1963
Times and Commercial Intelligencer: (d?) S 22, 1838
Tribune: (w) Mr 9, Je 29, 1850; D 13, 1851-Ja 3, 1852; JI 2, 1853; [F 11-D 23, 1854]; Ap 23, Jl 3, N 27, 1858; D 15-22, 1860; Ja 5-26, F 16, 1861; F 15, 1862; O 29, 1864
(sw) My 27, 1851
(d) 1858-1865; O 1, 1868; F 17, 1869; Ja 29, 1870
Vanity Fair: *D 31, 1859-Jl 4, 1863
Voice: Mr 31, 1898
Voice of Freedom: (m) My-Je 1836
Weekly: JI 30, 1863
Wilson & Company's Weekly Dispatch: D 2, 1850; Mr 31, 1851
Witness: Ap 7, 1897
Worker: (d) [1924-Je 1927]
World: (w) Ap 20, D 14, 1861-O 4, 1862; Ap 7, 1864; O 23, 1867; JI 9, 1868; Ja 13, 1869; N 13, 27-D 11, 1878; Ag 18, O 20-N 3, 24-D 1, 15, 1880-Ja 5, S 21, 1881
(tw) Mr 21, 1900
(d) O 2, D 5, 1860; Ja 26, F 2, 4, 13-18, 1861; Ap 15, 26, My 25, Jl 8, 1865; S 28, 1868; My 10, 1887; Ap 29, 1898
World-Telegram: Ap 13, 1945; Ja 12, 1946
Anti-Masonic Telegraph: JI 8, N 21, 1832
Star: Je 16, 1914
Palladium: O 11, 1837
Courier: Ja 22, 1864
Extra: Ja 17, 1863
Journal & Constitutional Republican: D 21, 1808
Chronicle: Je 18, 1869
Express: Ap 15, 1865
Fruit Recorder & Cottage Gardener: Ja 1, 1876
Moore’s Rural New-Yorker: [1856; Ja-D 6, 1862]; Ja 14, 1865; S 1, 1866; D 21, 1867
Union & Advertiser: F 16, 1892
Saratogian: (d) S 30, 1896
Telegraph: O 31, N 14, 28, D 5-12, 1924
Republican: N 3, 1864
Times: Ag 8, 1885
Gospel Messenger: Jl 10-D 4, 1862
Herald & Gazette: (d) Je 4, 1861; Ag 26, 1873; S 21, 1881
Oneida Democrat: *My 21, 1833-My 13, 1834
Telegraph: Ap 15, 20, 1865
Jeffersonian: Mr 20, D 30, 1852; Ja 13, 27, Mr 24-31, Ap 14-21, My 12-Je 23, Jl 14, 28, 1853
Times: (d) S 6, 1967

Observer: JI 31, 1862; N 27, 1884; Je 27, 1889; N 28, 1895
Recorder: D 21, 1851
Moravian Falls
Yellow Jacket: (bw) S 30, 1915
New Bern
North Carolina Times: Je 18, 1864
Standard: Ap 19, My 12, 1865
Watchman: Ap 12, 1865 (part)
Indicator: Mr 6, 1868
Journal: (d) [1860-F 20X, *S 28, 1865-JI 14, 1866]
Star: Ap 11, 1876

Beacon: (d) D 6, 1882
Telegraph: N 22, 1855
Sentinel & Sun: O 6, 1837
Repository: N 1, 1896
Frankfort Sun: S 17, 1887
Alton Observer: *D 28, 1837-Ja 4, F 22-Ap 19, 1838X?
American Israelite: D 27, 1906; Ja 31, Ap 11, N 28, D 5, 19, 1907; Ja 9, 1908; Ja 28, F 25, Mr 4, 1909
Centinel of the North-Western Territory: *N 7, 1793
Central Christian Herald: S 10, 1857
Commercial: S 28, 1858; N 18, 1861; =Dollar Commercial, Ap 3, 1862; =Commercial, Ap 17, My 11, 1865; My 1, O 29, 1866; Ap 10, 1869; Je 13, 1874
Dollar Times: see Times
Enquirer: (w) F-N 1847; Ag 13, O 15, 1879; N 12, 1884; Je 17, 1885; JI 10, 28, 1896
(d) [1858-1867]; JI 23, 1872; Je 7, 1884
Gazette: (d) Ag 3, 1836; My 12, 1840; S 24, 1841; Ja 31, Ap 25, My 21, D 4, 1861; Ap 9, 1866; S 20, 1881
Herald, Herald & Philanthropist: see Philanthropist
People's Journal (Chicago, Philadelphia, Cincinnati & St. Louis): see CHICAGO, IL
Philanthropist: [My-Ag 5], O 14-21, N 25, 1836-Ja, Mr-JI, S 29-N, D 26, 1837-1839; 1841-O 4, 1843]; =Herald & Philanthropist, [O 25, 1843-D 1, 1846]; =Herald, *D 16, 1846; F 17, 1847
Rail Splitter: *Ag-O 1860X
Star in the West: O 15, 1859
Times: Dollar Times, Ap 20, 1865; =Times, N 30, 1871; =Times-Star, Ap 25, 1940
True Latter Day Saints' Herald: (m) *1860-Mr 1863X
Western Christian Advocate: D 9, 1842-Mr 1843; D 16, 1863
Campaign Plain Dealer & Popular Sovereignty Advocate: *Je 30-N 17, 1860X
Herald: My 13, Je 14, JI 10, 23, 1862; F 3, 1863; D 27, 1878; =Leader& Herald
Leader: (d) Je 20, 1860; Ap 15, 19, 1865; =Leader & Herald, Ag 18, 30, 1888; JI 23, 30, Ag 23-24, 28, 1889; My 30, 1890; JI 23, 1891; =Leader, S 14, 1901
Ohio Farmer: Ap 22, 1865
Soldiers Friend: (m) Ag 1862
Workman: My 29, 1886
Crisis: *Ja 31, 1861-Ja 1865
Dispatch: N 12, 1918
Ohio Coon Catcher: S 14, 1844
Ohio Cultivator: (sm) *Ja 1-My 15, Je 15-D 15, 1845; Ag 1, 1850; Ag 1, 1851
Ohio State Journal: D 12, 1846
Ohio Statesman: Mr 15, 1839
Empire: Ap 20, 1885
Journal: (w) Ap 25, 1865
(d) N 22-23, 1872
Buckeye Bugle: JI 18, 1868
Review: Je 6, 1891
Coxey's Sound Money: N 28, 1896
Mt. Vernon
Democratic Banner: F 16, 1847; JI 15, N 18, 1851; N 30, 1852; S 13, 1859
New Philadelphia
Tuscarawas Advocate: S 15, 1837; Ap 21, 1865
New Richmond
Philanthropist: Ja 8, 22, F 19-Mr 4, 18-Ap 8, 1836
Telegraph: F 11, My 20, S 23, 1846
Portage County Democrat: Ap 27, 1864
Farm & Fireside (Philadelphia & Springfield): see PHILADELPHIA, PA
News & Republic: Republic, D 29, 1864; =News & Republic, F 16, Ap 27, JI 27, Ag 24, 1865
Herald: S 7, N 23, 1859; Ja 18, F 29, Mr 14, Ap 11-18, My 9-16, Ag 22-S 5, 26, O 3, 24, N 28-D 5, 1860; Ja 9, F 20, JI 3, O 9, 1861; F 12, Mr 19-26, 1862
Blade: (w) Ag 29, 1872; JI 17, 1873; N 25, 1875; JI 3-10, 1884; D 30, 1897
Register: Mr 5, 1863
American Issue (Illinois ed.): (bw) N 17, 1922; (=m) My¬-JI 1928

Fort Sill
Fort Sill Army News: Ap 14, 21, My 5, 1945
Tahlequah (Cherokee Nation)
Cherokee Advocate (Ch-E): My 13, 1871

Oregon City
Oregon Argus: F 11, 1860
Bee: Mr 15, 1880
Oregonian: Ja 12, 1861; F 4, 1911

Blair County Radical: Mr 8, 1883
Tribune: D 13, 1882
Gazette: N 5, 1847
Republican: Mr 8, 1883
Free Press: N 11, 1913
Observer: O 28, 1837
Star and Banner: My 28, 1863
Times: S 16, 1960
Patriot: Ap 5, 1887
Examiner & Herald: O 30, 1861; Ja 15, Mr 5, My 7-14, Je 11, N 5, 1862; JI 8, Ag 5-12, S 30, 1863; Mr 2, 16, Jl 13, 27, Ag 10, 24, D 14, 1864; Ja 11, 25, Ap 19, My 3, Ag 2, S 27-O 4, N 29, 1865
Spectator & Freeman's Journal: Je 27, 1839-Je 4, 1840
New Bloomfield
Perry County Times: Mr 6, 1883
Valley Times-Star: Ja 12, 1939
Oil City
Derrick: Je 25, 1874
Alexander's Weekly Messenger: Ap 18, Je 6, 1838; JI 17, 1839; Ja 13, 1847
American: Mr 26, 1881
Bulletin: (d) D 14, 1857-My 1868
Catholic Instructor: D 13, 1851
Courier: Ja 21, 1837; Je 19, 1841; S 24, O 8, 1842
Dollar Newspaper: Ag 28, 1844; Ja 5-19, 1848; Ap 23, My 7, 1851; O 4, 1854; Mr 12, Ap 30-My 7, Jl 2, O 29, 1856; Ja 14, F 11-18, My 6, Je 24, Jl 29, Ag 12, S 23, O 14, D 2-16, 30, 1857; S 29, 1858
Farm & Fireside (Philadelphia & Springfield, Ohio): S 15, 1892
Forney's War Press: see Press
Gazette & Commercial Intelligencer: Ap 13, 1837
Inquirer: (d) O 16, D 20, 1860; My 23, 29-31, Je 3, 8, 11-15, 18-20, JI 4, 15, 17, 1861; Ja 6-20, 22-29, Ap 17, 1862; Ap 3-16, 18-24, 28-29, 1863; Ap 4, 10, 17-25, My 5, 10, 12-26, Je 12, 1865; F 13, 1866
National Guard: JI 4, 1863
People's Journal (Chicago, Philadelphia, Cincinnati & St. Louis): see CHICAGO, IL
People’s Press: [*Ja-S 1939]
Poulson’s American Daily Advertiser: O 15, 1818
Press (I): (d) Ap 28, Je 1, 17, 30, JI 14-15, 22, S 10, 16-17, O 27, N 8, 16, D 3, 16, 1858; Ja 15, 1859; S 8, 1860; JI 28, 1863; Ap 4, 10, 1865; =Forney's War Press, Ap 22, 1865
Press (II): JI 4, 1876
Public Ledger: (d) Mr 25, 1836; =Public Ledger & Transcript, [F 20, 1857-Ja 17, 1868]; Ja 27, JI 24, 1885
Republic: (d) D 12, 1848
Saturday Evening Post: United States Saturday Post and Chronicle, JI 29, 1843; =Saturday Evening Post, N 13, 1852; Mr 21, 1857; Ap 22, 1865
Times: JI 5, 1876
Trades: My 3, Je 1, 21, 1879
United States Gazette: Ag 17, 1805; Je 20, Ag 1, 1806; My 15, 1814?; N 4, 1835
United States Saturday Post and Chronicle: see Saturday Evening Post
American Manufacturer: S 25, 1841
Commercial: Ap 17, 1865
Dispatch: S 4, 1875
Legal Journal: Mr31, 1862
Springfield Methodist: (m) O 1892
Tom Whittakers Gatling Gun: Ag 13, 1887
Father Abraham: S 27-O 1864
Republican: (d) S 13, 1880; D 4, 6, 1916
Times: D 4, 1916
Tribune: Ja 27, 1896
News-Chronicle: Ja 13, My 16, 1939
Nation: (m) Mr, My-Je 1883
Pennsylvania Grit Story Companion: Ja 8, 1899

Bulletin: N 14, 1878; My 22, 1880; Je 25, 1886
Gazette & Country Journal: Mr 7, 1812; S 17, 1814
Journal: Mr 7, 1850; JI 6, 1876; Mr 26, 1881; JI 23, 1929
Manufacturers & Farmers Journal: S 24, 1863; N 4, 1878
Press: Ap 15, 1865
Republican Herald & Post: Ap 21, 1860
Star: S 20, 1881

Camp Kettle: S 28, N 4, 21, D 30, 1861
Free South: My 2, 1863
Journal: Ja 1, 1861
Free Press: Ap 5, 11, 1868
Republican: Ap 13, 1861
South Carolina Leader: *O 7, 21, D 9-23, 1865; Mr 31, My 12, 1866
Trench and Camp: Ag 2, 1918
Pickens Court House
Keowee Courier: Ap 1, 1865
Port Royal
New South: Ja 2, 1864; Ap 22, 1865
Carolina Spartan: Ap 30, 1865

Union Banner: *JI 31, 1862
Gazette: (d) Ap 16, 1865
Rebel: (d) [Ag 9, 1862-Ag 1863]
Times: (d) Mr 12-14, 1891
Chronicle (I): [F 18-S 16, 1818]; =Tennessee Weekly Chronicle, [Ja 27-Je 1819X]; =Town Gazette & Farmers Register, [*JI-N 8, 1819]
Chronicle (II): O 4, 1834; [Mr 28-My 1839]; F 13-20, My 14-21, Je 4-18, Ag 13, S 3, O 29, 1840; My 18, 1847; Jl 6, 1855; Ap 25, Je 27, Ag 15, 1856; [Ja 9, 1857-F 14, 1862; *JI 14-S 22, 1865]
Chronicle (III): *Ja 4, 1886
Democrat: (w) O 21, N 11, D 9, 1882; Ja 27, Mr 24, Je 30-JI 7, S 15, D 21, 1883; Je 3, 1887; (=sw) Ja 23, JI 19, D 3, 1888; (=w) F 14, 1889; My 8, JI 17-24, 1890; =Progress-Democrat, F 25, Je 10, JI 22, Ag 12, 1891; My 11, 25, Je 15, Ag 17-24, S 7, O 12, D 21, 1892; Mr 1, 15, 1893
83d Illinoisan: *Mr 17-My 1865X
Gazette: [O 1819-D 23, 1820]
Patriot: O 16, 1867; Je 23, S 15, O 6, 1869
Primitive Standard: S 14, 1844
Progress-Democrat: see Democrat
Recorder: D 15, 1814
Tennessee Weekly Chronicle, Town Gazette & Farmers Register: see Chronicle (I)
United States Herald: Ag 11, 1810
Sentinel: F 8, 1864
Observer: N 26, 1857-Ap 3X, *S 18, 1862-Je 1863X; *N 16, 1865-N 17, 1870
Courier: My 13, 1863
1 issue, incomplete, title unknown, S 6, 1862
Brownlow’s Knoxville Whig: Brownlow's Knoxville Whig & Independent Journal, [My 28, 1853-Ja, O 1854-Ap 7, 1855X]; =Brownlow's Knoxville Whig, [*Ap 14, 1855-JI 1861X]; =Brownlow's Whig, *Ag-O 1861X; =Brownlow’s Knoxville Whig & Rebel Ventilator, *N 11-18, 1863; [1864-F 21, 1866X]; =Brownlow's Knoxville Whig, *F 28, 1866-Mr 1868
Register: Ap 15, 1863
Appeal: (d) [JI 18, 1857-Je 6, 1862X]; *N 7, 1865-My 4, 1866; [Ja 4, 1867-Jl 20, 1868]
Argus: My 4, 1861
Avalanche: (tw) Ap 29, My 6, JI 8-10, 24, 1861
(d) [Ja 21-O 3, 1861; Ja 28-JI 2, 1862X; *1866-Je 16, 1868]
Bulletin: Ag 6, 1862
Commercial-Appeal: S 28, 1924
Scimitar: (d) O 4, 1887
American: see Union & American
Banner of Peace and Cumberland Presbyterian Advocate: Je 12, 1856
Colored Tennessean: Ag 12, O 7-14, 1865-, Mr 24-31, 1866; =Tennessean (I), JI 18, 1866
Tennessean (II): D 6, 1964
Union & American: (tw) S 29, 1866
(d) N 1857-D 1861; =Union, Je 20, 1863; =Union & American, [D 9, 1865-N 23, 1866X]; =Union & Dispatch, *N 24, 1866-Ja 16, 1867; =Union& American, Ag 27-O 17, 1868; =American, S 20, 1895
Tempo: (m) F 1974

Avalanche: Ag 18, 1944
Southwest Plainsman & Panhandle Weekly: Ap 11, 1925
Freedman's Press: *JI 18, 1868; =Free Man's Press, Ag 1, 15-22, S 5-12, 1868
Advertiser: Mr 9, 1867
Standard: [1859-1861; Ja-Ag 17, O 12-N 9, 1872; Ja 11-S], N 15, 1873
Herald: D 8, 1855; F 9-16, Ap 5, [My 10-O 4, 1856]; Ag 29, 1857; [JI 1858-Je 20], O 10, 1860-F 19X, [*Ap 19, 1862-S 1863X; *JI 1864-S 14, 1867]
News: (d) F 12, 1909; N 24, 1963 (part)
Times-Herald: (d) N 22-23, 25, 1963
Fort Worth
Gazette: JI 28, 1889
Star-Telegram: Mr 12-13, 1940
Flake's Daily Galveston Bulletin: (d) Ap 6, 1866
Free Man's Press: O 24, 1868
News: (w) [1856-1859]; Ja 10, Mr 6, Ag 14, 1860; Ja 12, F 5, 19, Mr 5, 19, JI 5, Ag 20, S 3, 1861; *Mr 28-Ap 4, 1866
(tw) [D 20, 1855-O 4, 1856; 1857]; N 20-22, D 8, 1860; Ja 22, F 8, Ap 6, My 7, JI 18, Ag 6, 14, 27, S 24, O 17, N 19, 1861; [*Mr 26, 1866-Ja 7], Mr 15, 22, Ap 3, My 1, 10, 15, D 11, 1867; N 18, 1872
Galveston News: (w) Ja 14, [Ap 8, 1862-Mr 21, 1866X]
(tw) D 14, 19, 1861; [1864-Mr 21, 1866X]
(Sun. eds. marked tw) Ja 10-24, F, Mr 13-27, Ap 10, My 1-22, Je 5-19, JI 3-10, 31-Ag 7, 21, S 11-18, O 2, N 27, 1864; Ja-F 19, 1865
(Tu-Th-Sat eds. headed "News" Bulletin) Ap 30, My 14-19, 26-28, Je 4-7, 11-14, JI 9, 16, 26, Ag 2-9, 13, S 15, O 13, 20, 25, N 29, D 15, 1864
Telegraph: D 28, 1864; Ja 17, 1865
News-Messenger: N 10, 1963
Texas Republican: My 5, 1865
Tribune-Chief:, D 23, 1897
San Antonio
Herald: (w) [Ap 1855-Ag], N 22, 1856; [O 12, 1861-O 10, 1863]
(d) Herald & Public Advertiser, Mr 25, 1857; =Herald, N 26, 1858; D 17, 1859; Je 26, 1862; F 20, Je 21, 1867; My 6, 1874
News: (sw) N 7, 1861; [1862-Ag 10, 1863X]; (=w) [*Ag 13-O 15, 1863]; (=sw) Mr 24, Ap 4-7, 1865
Tyler (Camp Ford)
Old Flag: *F 17, Mr 13, 1864

Salt Lake City
Broad Ax: F 1897-Je 6, 1899X; =Broad Ax (CHICAGO)
Deseret News: Jl 10, 1869
Salt Lake Tribune: Ap 13, 1945; Ja 19, 1955

Banner & Reformer: JI 18, 1923
Bennington Evening Banner: (d) JI 9, 1923; =Bennington Banner, Ap 14, 1965
Aurora of the Valley (Bradford & Newbury): N 3, 1860; F 23, 1861
Botanic Advocate: (m) O 1837
Aurora of the Valley (Bradford & Newbury): see BRADFORD
Herald: Ap 20, 1865

Bulletin-Democrat: Ap 15, O 14, 1965
Conservator: Mr 12, 1862
First Minnesota: *Mr 11, 1862
Camp Suffolk
Our Camp Journal: (m) Je 5, 1863
Sixth Corps: (d) My 9-10, 12, 16, 1865
Virginia Herald: Ap 13-20, My 4, 1876
Rockingham Register & Advertiser: My 20, 1859
Gazette: Ap 21, 1876
Virginian-Pilot & Landmark: Je 24, 1934
Grant's Petersburg Progress: Ap 10, 1865
Christian Advocate: F 9, 1865
Dispatch: (w) F 18, 1870
(d) 1858-Ap 1X, *D 9, 1865-1867
Enquirer: (w) S 10, 1850; D (n.d.) 1860; My 15, 1861
(sw) S 21, [D 1860-Ja 15, Mr 9-Je 25], O 1-19, 1861; Ja 3, 10, F 18, Ap 8, Je 27, 1862
(d) Ag 24, S 3, O 15, 23, D 5, 1860; Ja 19, [Mr 26-Ap 4, Je 11-Ag 2], 19, 26, S 14-16, 24, 30, O 10-24, 30, 1861; Ja 3-4, 10, 16, 23, F 6, 10, 12, Mr 6, 20, 31, [Ap 17-D 1862]; S 6, 1864
(extras) Mr 21, 25, 28, Ap 6, 8, 13, 15, 20, 25, 1861; S 10, 1862
Examiner: (sw) S 24, 1861
(d) Je 3, 1862
Religious Herald: 1858-Mr 1867
Sentinel: (sw) S 6, 13-16, 1864; Mr 10-14, 21, 1865
(d) [*Mr 11, 1863-Ap 1X, *N 13-D 5, 1865]
Southern Churchman: (w) [N 22, 1861-My 6, 1864]; (=bw) *Je-O 1864X; (=w) *N 1864-Mr 15, 1865
Times: Ap 26, 1865
Whig: (w) F 22, 1862
(sw) Whig & Public Advertiser, O 7, 21-24, 1856; [1857-O 18], D 16, 26, 1859; [Ja-F 3], Mr 9, My 4, Je 22, JI 6-13, 24, Ag 3, 10, S 14, 28-O 12, 19, N 6-16, D 14, 21, 1860; Ja 1, 25, F 1, 12-15, 22, Ap 5-9, 19-23, My 17, Je 11, 1861; F 24, [N 1865-Mr], Ap 9, 24, My 22, JI 3, S 28, O 5, N 23, D 7, 1866; [1867-Ja 7, 1868]; =Whig & Advertiser, [Ja 17, 1868-Ja 5, 1869]
(d) Ap 18, My 9, 11, 1865
Virginia Gazette (I): [S 10, 1736-F 1, 1740; Mr 21, 1745-S 25, 1746]; Ja 10, 1751-1752; Mr 2, 1753; Jl 19, N 7, 1754; F 28-My 23, S-N 14, D 12-19, 1755; Ag 27-S 3, 1756; Ap 22, S 2, 1757; N 30, 1759; Ja 16, 1761; F 12, 1762; N 4, 1763; O 25, 1765; [Mr 1766-1777]; Ja 23, Ap 24, My 8-15, Jl 10-17, [O 9-D 4, 1778]; F 12, 1779-Ap 8, 1780X
Virginia Gazette (lI): *My 16, 30, Jl 18, Ag 8-15, S 5, N 27-D 11, 25, 1766; F 19, Mr 12, Jl 23, Ag 13, D 24, 1767; [F 1768-My 21, O 8, 1772-F 3, 1776X]
Virginia Gazette (III): *F 1775-D 19, 1777; [Mr-Je 19], Jl 10, Ag 21, O 16-30, 1778; My 15, Jl 3, Ag 28, [O 30-D 1779]; F 19, My 13, JI 15, Ag 19, O 21, D 9, 1780X
Tenth Legion: Je 6, 1861

Washington Democrat: Ap 15, 1865
Washington Standard: F 6, 1864
Greenwood-Phinney Outlook: F 7, 1929
Post-Intelligencer: N 21, 1933; JI 25, 1937 (part)
World: (d) 1 issue (n.d.) (part)

Statesman: My 9, 1876
News: (d) Mr 10, 1945
Sentinel: (d) Mr 7, 1945
Brooke Republican: N 23, 1833; F 1, 1834
Herald: Ap 21, 1865; Mr 20, 1868; N 26, 1875; Jl 28, 1876; Jl 12, 26, 1878
United States Post Office Bulletin: (m) Ja 1873

Free Press: Mr 9, 1886
Journal & Courier: JI 10, 1862
Democrat: O 7, 1868
Capital Times: (d) F 6, 1938
Patriot: My 10, 1876
Wisconsin State Journal: JI 23, 1875
Amerikanische Turnzeitung (G): My 24, 1908; N 13, 1910
Freidenker (G): Ap 27, 1884; O 31, 1886; Ap 15, 1894; Ja-Ap 1916
Germania (G): JI 9, 1897; N 5, 1909
New Day: *Ja 22, 1921-JI 22, 1922X
Sentinel: JI 14, 1937
Social Democratic Herald: [*Ag 17, 1901-S 20, 1913X]
Wahrheit (G): Ap 17-My 1, 1909
Racine County Whig: D 7, 1848
Slavie (Cz): (w) [O 30, 1861-Ap 1862]; (=sw) [Ja 12-S 13, 1865]

Leader: (d) [1876]

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