File Numbering Protocol

ALPL Oral History
Numbering Protocol


Numeric What it Represents
FM First two/three letters: Designates the specific project; ex – FM for Family Memories project. Additional letter: Indicates a subcategory within a project heading.
A-L Second series of letters: (V=Video or A=Audio) & (L=ALPL project or D=Donated)
-2007- First four digits: Year in which an interview was conducted.
-001 Next three digits: Sequential number of interviews accessioned that year, regardless of project or source.
.01 Number after decimal: Specific interview, when a series of interviews are conducted with same interviewee. All interviews in the series will use the year in which the first interview was

(Optional: a number after a second decimal may designate that an interview is split into multiple parts, with the intention of rejoining them later)

Interview numbers will be assigned at the time the first interview in a series is completed and processing begins.

Project Prefix Project

Project Prefix Project
AS Adlai E. Stevenson III Oral History
CM Christian County Coal Mining
DA Department of Aging
HP Homemakers Project
IC Italians in Chicago
SS Sangamon State University Series
AA African-American Oral Histories
AAS Springfield AA Oral Histories
SR Starved Rock Library System
W2 World War II Veterans
FM Family Memories
HR Historians Speak
HRI Illinois History  
HRL Lincoln 
WT IL Guardsmen in the War on Terror
VR Illinois Veterans Remember
VRK Korean War
VRV Vietnam War
VRG Gulf War
VRT War on Terror
IS Illinois Statecraft
ISE ERA Amendment
ISG Governor Series
ISL IL Legislators Series 
ISC IL Congressmen Series
ISS IL Senator Series
AI Agriculture in Illinois
AIS State Museum Project (IMLS Grant)
MI Miscellaneous Oral Histories

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