
Contact Us For ALPLM inquiries, contact us at 217-558-8844. Department and staff phone numbers and emails can be found in the Staff Directory. 7/30/2024
The Mr. Lincoln Theater Visitors to Mr. Lincoln Theater can select from over 20 newly-created video segments highlighting ALPLM since its opening 2005. 3/21/2024
History Lesson Enhance your daytime event by inviting one of our distinguished historians to give a 30-minute educational and entertaining history lesson to your group. 1/15/2021
Lincoln’s Critical Month: April 1861 Document donated to Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum puts the spotlight on a key moment in the Civil War ... and in all of American history. 5/2/2024
Treasured Women For Women's History Month, a look at the women connected to artifacts displayed in our Treasures Gallery. 3/21/2024
Was Lincoln 'removed' from Southern presidential ballots? Claims that Lincoln was left off Southern ballots in 1860 don't account for the way elections were conducted back then. 1/26/2024
PD in Your PJs: “We Sing the Jubilee:” Using Music to Teach the Civil War Virtual via ZOOM 1/22/2024
Gettysburg Address Historical Talk In-Person at the ALPLM 11/20/2023
PD in Your PJs -- Setting the Record Straight: What Ended the Civil War Virtual via Zoom 9/23/2023
History Happy Hour - Top Hits of the Civil War: Part 2 In-person at Anvil & Forge Brewing and Distilling 8/30/2023
Tales from the Vault: The State of Sound In-person in the ALPLM library's Multi-Purpose Room and virtually via Facebook LIVE! 5/4/2023
PD in Your PJs: Setting the Record Straight: What Caused the Civil War Virtual via ZOOM 4/17/2023
FINDING AND DEFINING ‘HOME’ IN ILLINOIS A Lincoln historian appreciates getting to know the lives of three other people with Illinois roots 3/29/2023
PD in Your PJs: Lincoln Said That... Didn't He?!? Virtual via ZOOM 1/30/2023
Mary Lincoln in Private Letter shows the Lincolns as a young couple managing the typical concerns of middle-class life. 1/23/2023
A nightmarish vision of the Battle of Bull Run Art historian Mark Pohlad examines an ALPLM painting that seems to blend the Civil War, World War I and the artist's own nightmares into a single powerful image. 12/6/2022
Lincoln and Thanksgiving At the urging of a magazine "editress," Abraham Lincoln called for a day of thanksgiving on the last Thursday of November. It was a major step in making Thanksgiving the tradition we know today. 11/23/2022
Gettysburg Address: Honoring the last full measure of devotion A Lincoln historian puts the spotlight on the meaning and power of the overly familiar words of the Gettysburg Address. 11/15/2022
PD in Your PJs: What is Truth? Virtual via ZOOM 10/24/2022
ALPLM History Happy Hour: Top Hits of the Civil War In-person at Anvil & Forge Brewing and Distilling in downtown Springfield 9/21/2022
President-Elect Lincoln Takes his Stand As the nation was falling apart, Abraham Lincoln grappled with what to say after being sworn in as the new president 9/8/2022
Waving the Stars and Stripes for Stephen Douglas It took ingenuity and some careful planning, but a rare and colorful banner supporting Stephen Douglas can now be seen at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum 8/30/2022
Grant Turns 200: A Closer Look at his Life and Legacy In-Person in the ALPLM Multipurpose Room and Virtual on the ALPLM Facebook page 4/27/2022
Tales from the Vault: From Springfield to Hildene -- The Women of the Lincoln Family In-Person at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum and Virtual via Facebook LIVE! 3/3/2022
About a Book One book leads an ALPLM staffer on a journey of discovery. 8/24/2021
Did Lincoln say that? Nope, not this time. Lincoln's Lyceum Address is considered his first great speech. It is often misquoted today. 7/27/2021
Lincoln Draws the Line on Slavery Abraham Lincoln asks himself if slavery and democracy can co-exist. 2/23/2021
Artifact Spotlight: Laura Keene Dress A bloodstained piece of fabric highlights the true cost of freedom. 1/5/2021
Artifact Spotlight - Huron Map One of Lincoln's careers was surveying, and he made many maps, including of some places that never existed. 12/15/2020
Chicago Sings the Union In a time before recorded video and sound, sheet music was a way to get a message to the masses. 12/15/2020
Fido at the ALPLM One of America's most iconic dogs was owned by one of America's most famous presidents. 11/16/2020
Abraham Lincoln launches his first campaign A young Abraham Lincoln, still new to town, decides to run for office on a platform of investing in infrastructure. 11/10/2020
Lincoln Counting the Votes Two documents in the ALPLM collection show Lincoln counting votes from elections at very different points in his career, a reminder that he was not just a statesman but also a shrewd politician. 11/4/2020
Booker T. Washington Visits the Lincoln Home One champion of racial equality visits the home of another. 7/30/2020
Andrew Jackson Smith Weathering a storm of blood and lead, one man earns his place in history among the din of battle. 7/20/2020
Q & A. Lincoln The best source for Lincoln questions and answers is from a Lincoln historian. 7/20/2020
An Instrument of Freedom The Emancipation Proclamation is not as simple as it may first seem. 7/20/2020

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