Tales from the Vault: The Fort Sumter Crisis

April 5th - 5th

As we approach the 163rd Anniversary of the commencement of the Civil War we will be taking a look at rare and treasured items from our collections related to the crisis surrounding Fort Sumter and the history of the Fort during the conflict – during a special edition of Tales of the Vault.

Join ALPLM Chief of Acquisitions and Special Projects, Dr. Ian Hunt for a look at items from the ALPLM’s vast collection that have a connection to the secession crisis and the Civil War in Charleston.

You’ll also see and learn about why the crisis kicked off in Charleston, South Carolina and how President Lincoln attempted to send supplies to the Fort which would lead to it being attacked by Confederate forces.

This will be a “hybrid” event with the opportunity to attend in-person or virtually. The program will take place in our library’s multi-purpose room on Friday, April 5 at 12:00 p.m. The event is free; reservations are not required.

To watch virtually via Facebook Live, please go to the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum Facebook page. Open the page at the appointed time and scroll to the post highlighting the live event. Once you’re there, simply click on the image and watch the live video stream.

Tales from the Vault is a monthly collaboration between the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum and the Illinois State Museum.

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