History Lesson
Enhance your daytime event by inviting one of our distinguished historians or librarians to give a 30-minute educational and entertaining talk to your group with time for questions and answers. This educational enhancement can be enjoyed at an in-person or online event.
History Lesson: $150
NEW: Enjoy a History Lesson Online
History Lesson Topics (choose one):
Answering Your Questions about the ALPLM
The Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum is a unique institution devoted to Illinois history and the life and legacy of America’s 16th president. This discussion will provide participants an opportunity to learn more about this special institution and to talk to a staff historian about their visit to the museum and library.
Capturing Memories: An Overview of the ALPL Oral History Program
The Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library’s Oral History Program preserves the state’s history by collecting the stories and memories of ‘those in the arena.’ Join the program’s Director as he provides an overview of the Oral History Program and shares some of his favorite moments from the program’s vast collection.
Documenting Democracy: The Papers of Abraham Lincoln Project
The Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library’s Papers of Abraham Lincoln Project is dedicated to identifying, digitizing, transcribing, annotating, and publishing online all documents written by or to Abraham Lincoln during his lifetime. Join the project’s director as he give an overview of the project and shares some of the interesting documents in the project’s vast repository.
How the North Won the Civil War
We know that the North ultimately won the Civil War, restored the Union, and banned slavery in the United States, but at the time Confederate victory was a real possibility. This talk explores what political, military, and even social factors ultimately led Lincoln and the Union to victory over the Confederate rebellion.
Illinois's Four Presidents
Over America’s history, Illinois has helped four presidents ascend to the White House: Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, Ronald Reagan, and Barack Obama. All four of these leaders have fascinating stories, unique leadership styles, and were groundbreaking in their own way. This talk will explore their lives, presidencies, and legacies in Illinois, the nation, and the world.
Lincoln and Leadership
This talk traces how a man with few advantages makes himself into a small-town standout, then a leading attorney, political organizer, and one of our greatest presidents. Lincoln’s people management, hard work, and humor teach us lessons that can apply to parts of anyone’s life.
Preserving Your Family History Materials
Do you have a family Bible or an old journal that records the births, marriages, and deaths of your ancestors? Letters written by your grandparents that provide insights into daily life of an earlier era? Photographs of your family and relatives spanning the generations? Our conservator, Bonnie Parr, will talk about how to preserve these precious mementos of family history.
This event enhancement is based on the historian's/librarian's availability.
Contact us at 217/558-8873 or alplm.rentevents@illinois.gov to learn more or book your lesson.