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Christine Radogno - Tumultuous 2020

Christine Radogno discusses her experiences with Illinois schools and Arizona schools throughout the COVID-19 pandemic through her perspective as a grandmother to children in both states. Radogno outlines the differences between the measures the Gilbert, Arizona, school and the Westmont, Illinois, school took against the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Radogno notes the political difference between the states and describes the differences in pandemic mitigations. Throughout the interview, Radogno also details her personal experiences with the COVID-19 pandemic, such as her trip to India in the beginning of March 2020 and her husband's hospitalization with COVID-19 in October of 2021.

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Radogno details the way her and her husband helped their Arizona grandchildren navigate remote learning.


Interview session (Audio)


Caption: Christine Radogno’s Illinois residing granddaughter holds a sign that reads “First day of E-learning at Westmont Yard!” She attended daycare at Westmont Yard while her school was remote in August of 2020. The Westmont Yard personnel worked with her and other students to complete their school work. 

Where: Illinois

When: Autumn 2020

Ownership: Narrator’s Photo

Caption: Christine Radogno helps navigate her Arizona based grandchildren through remote learning. The schools in Radogno’s Phoenix suburb utilized remote learning for the first six weeks of the autumn semester in 2020. Radogno and her husband bought new laptops and created a conducive learning environment at their home for their grandchildren. In this photo she is helping her grandson with his lesson.

Where: Arizona

When: Autumn 2020

Ownership: Narrator’s Photo

Caption: Radogno’s granddaughter works on her remote schoolwork at her grandma’s kitchen counter. Radogno and her husband, Nunzio, worked hard to create individual spaces of learning for each grandchild.

Where: Arizona

When: Autumn 2020

Ownership: Narrator’s Photo

Caption: Radogno’s other granddaughter works diligently in her remote learning space that Radogno and husband set up for each grandchild.

Where: Arizona

When: Autumn 2020

Ownership: Narrator’s Photo

Caption: Nunzio Radogno helps his grandson with schoolwork during the first weeks of the autumn semester when his school was remote.

Where: Arizona

When: Autumn 2020

Ownership: Narrator’s Photo

Caption: Radogno works with her grandson to help him navigate remote learning in the autumn of 2020.

Where: Arizona

When: Autumn 2020

Ownership: Narrator’s Photo

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